Activities in 2000

Curriculum Development

Upgrading of Facilities

Teaching Assignments

Management and Dissemination



Staff Retraining


  • 2.1. Study visits at western partner institutions (T3) for: 
    a) upgrading the knowledge of academic staff about the content, methods and examination  requirements of particular courses in different EU countries

    b) upgrading the knowledge of technical staff about the methods of technical and organisational assistance in the process of lecture demonstrations, workshops or other practical activities with student teachers. 

  • 2.2. Study visits of staff responsible for vocational education of science and mathematics at foreign schools (T3 flows PL -> EU)) for: 
    a) studies and familiarising with new approaches and  methods of active education, 

    b) studies of the role of teacher at school and the organisation of his/her  work

    c) studies of assessment and evaluation methods in school practice,

    d) familiarising with the out of school centres, as museum of science and technology. 

  • 2.3. Short visits in an EU Member States for planning of future educational activities and to get prepared for designing and production of own educational materials (T3).
  • 2.4. Collecting information on educational materials (equipment, books, prints, etc.) and technical facilities, applied and/or recommended by the EU partners and available on the market.
