Activities in 2000

Staff Retraining

Upgrading of Facilities

Teaching Assignments

Management and Dissemination



Curriculum Development


  • 1.3. Restructuring the structure of the existing curricula for bachelor degree of physics and mathematics at NCU Torun and the inauguration of these curricula at Warmia – Mazurian University (WMU) Olsztyn. 
  • 1.5. Restructuring of the existing courses of  mathematics, experimental and theoretical physics, mathematics and physics education, psychology, pedagogy, philosophy of nature and computer sciences.
  • 1.7. Designing of short intensive courses of: curricula studies, school and teacher  work management, assessment and evaluation theory and practice, history of science, Science Across Europe Project, modern languages, using ICT in science education (provided by the EU partner experts).
  • 1.8. Construction of syllabi with core subjects for all of the above courses. 
  • 1.9. Development of more active teaching methods based on EU standards.
  • 1.10. Implementation of European Credit Transfer System  ECTS  to all  modernised courses.
  • 1.11. Translation, publishing and dissemination of educational materials elaborated  within the Project or recommended by the EU experts devoted  to science and  mathematics, especially the Proceedings of the International Conference on: “Science Mathematics Teaching for the Information Society”.
