TEMPUS JEP - 12267-97

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Activities in 2000




The greatest essential achievements are:
  • Establishing of the consortium of  9 partners with the aim of working together for the period of  3 years in order to modernise and support 2-subject teacher training at NCU Toruñ and HSP Olsztyn in Poland.  
  • Approval of the application for financing by the European Training Foundation Torino, Italy on behalf of the European Commission in spite of several months delay.  
  • Development of the JEP activities with full support and commitment of the Deans of faculties concerned and authorities of the NCU Toruñ and HSP Olsztyn.  
  • Description of the existing curricula in the form to meet the ECTS requirements as the introduction to the next steps of Project.  
  • Preparation of syllabi for the existing courses.  
  • Proposition of adaptation of newly qualified school teacher competences was the subject of the paper on: “Standards for the Qualified Science Teacher Status in Poland ?” and had been accepted for publication in the Proc. of Symp. Education of Science Teachers, Na³êczów, October 1998.  
  • Preparation of the paper on “Description of the science-mathematics teacher training system in the UK, Germany, France and Italy” for publication.  
  • Considerable staff exchange (reaching 92% of the numbers planned) 
    • 12 visits from EU institutions to Poland;
    • Staff retraining of 20 academic staff from Torun and Olsztyn at EU partner institutions;
    • 11 short visits from Poland to EU partner universities;
    • 1 practical placement at ASE Hatfield, UK. 
  • Upgrading of technical facilities at the following student laboratories: 
    • Physics Experiments 1st Laboratory and Technology Workshop Room, Physics Experiments 2nd Laboratory, Electronics  Laboratory,  Computer Laboratory, Physics Education Laboratory, Educational  Resources Reading Room for  teachers, at the Institute of Physics, NCU, Toruñ;
    • Mathematics Education Laboratory for students and teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences, NCU, Toruñ;
    • Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Higher School of Education in Olsztyn, Poland. 
  • Purchase of books,educational materials, manuals, education software, CD-ROMs, etc.  
  • New courses: environmental science, practical astronomy, science and technology in society based on visits in EU countries have been designed.  
  • Setting up a unique structural unit - Educational Resources Reading Room for Science and Mathematics students, teachers and trainee teacher from all over Poland. 
  • Science Across Europe and History of Science Workshops for next academic year have been planned.  
Remarks on co-operation between partners in 1998
  •  Collaboration of colleagues from all partner institutions can be considered very good. It should be underlined that experts from the EU universities were very collaborative and supportive to the Polish side as for the contents of the project, i.e. in providing lectures and workshops, guidance and help in curricula development etc. The persons responsible at the 7 EU institutions found people enthusiastic enough to come to Poland and deliver presentations and to prepare reports on the system of teacher training in their respective countries. Good understanding and close co-operation between the two Polish partners was also gratifying. 
  • The communication between partners was good in every aspect - technical facilities and mutual understanding. The working language of the consortium was English but some persons also communicated in German or French. No major language problems occurred although some Polish staff felt more confident if helped and supported by other colleagues. 
  • Some problems can be mentioned in the bureaucratic area of the consortium activities. Some institutions were quite familiar with the TEMPUS procedures but some were not. It sometimes proved difficult to get appropriate mission reports on time and to gather all "Requests of money order" and conventions dully filled and signed. We do hope that in Year 2 all partners will be more familiar with the procedures and that the administrative side of our activities will be even smoother and easier than in the Year 1. 
The main achievements of our project in 1999 can be summarised as follows:
  •  Further progress in modernisation of science - mathematics teacher education curricula at the Nicholas Copernicus University (changes of content and teaching methods) as a model solution for two-subject gymnasium teacher education in a reformed Polish school was achieved  by:
    • adjustment of the structure of the existing curricula for bachelor degree in physics & mathematics at NCU Toruñ to the requirements of TEMPUS project objectives and introduction of new academic courses: environmental science (30h), science & technology in society (15h), practical astronomy (15h) and application of mathematics in physics education (15h) and elaborating of syllabi with core subjects for these courses, 
    • providing students and teachers with some short intensive courses on: “school management”, “history of physics in education”, “Science Across Europe Project – Solar Energy” and  “the use of IT tools in science education”,
  • approval by the  Senate of the “Warmia and Mazury University” on December 3,  1999  new  3-year curricula for two-subject teacher training in physics and mathematics within the  new Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Physics. 
  • editing of the book on:”Physics teacher education in some EU countries” in English and Polish, 
  • publishing the  description of the existing courses and syllabi for all these courses in the form to initiate  the implementation of the  European Credit Transfer System.
  • The knowledge and skills of academic teachers in the field of experimental and theoretical physics, mathematics, pedagogy, education of physics and mathematics as well as computer sciences were upgraded and oriented towards more active methods of education. The knowledge of technical staff about the methods of technical assistance in the process of lecture demonstrations, and about modern organisation of the library of educational resources was upgraded.  Out of 67 weeks planned 52 2/7 were completed (i.e. ca. 77%)
  • Besides the restricted financial resources the education laboratories at NCU Toruñ  (the Institute of Physics) and at High School of Pedagogy/WMU  in Olsztyn were modernised by:
    • purchase of experimental equipment, hardware and software, books, educational packages, CD-ROMs, etc.), 
    • translation of educational materials recommended by our EU partners for science and mathematics teachers, suitable for the implementation in modernised curricula and placing  them in the Educational Resources Reading Room (created in the first year of the project), where logistic service is provided by the staff of Education of Physics Laboratory. 
  • Polish  science  teachers and  their  students had a   possibility to  take active part in the international project „Science Across Europe”.
  • The First General Evaluation/Planning Meeting of partners took place during the ASE Annual Meeting in Reading, UK. Representatives of 6 out of 9 partners were present. 
  • The INTERNET www site was administrated during the year 1999 and used as a good database of information about the history and achievements of the project.
Co-operation between partners
  • Collaboration of all partner institutions was continued successfully and good atmosphere. The experts from the EU universities were very collaborative and supportive to the Polish side by providing lectures and workshops, guidance and help in curricula development etc. 
            Close co-operation between the two Polish partners was also significant.
  • As in Year 1, communication between partners was good both in terms of technical facilities and mutual understanding. The major working language of the consortium was English but some persons also communicated in German or French. No language problems were noticed.
  • In Year 2 the partners were generally more familiar with formal procedures. However some problems could not be avoided (appropriate mission reports, "Requests of money order" and conventions dully filled and signed and on time). 
The most important achievements of the Project in 2000 can be summarised as follows:

Curriculum development
  • As the introduction to the modernisation of teacher training in Poland the review of different training systems was prepared an published in the book entitled Science Teacher Education in Some EU Countries (ed. Top Kurier, Toruñ 2000).
  • In response to the needs of local job market in central-north-eastern Poland and in line with the reform of the educational system in Poland new 3-year BSc course of two-subject (physics-mathematics) teacher education was established at HSP/WMU in Olsztyn beginning from academic year 2000/2001.
  • The content of courses and structure of curricula of the existing studies for bachelor degree of physics-mathematics at NCU in Toruñ have been restructured. New academic courses as: Environmental science, Science and technology in society, Practical astronomy and School management have been introduced. Several short intensive courses as: assessment and evaluation theory and practice, the use of history of science in education, Science Across Europe Project, modern languages and using computer tools and methods in science education were designed and provided by the EU partner experts to future and actually employed science teachers.
  • The syllabi for all modernised courses were constructed and ECTS Information Package for students was published.
  • Based on modernised two-subject teacher education curricula new Inter-faculty Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Study will be inaugurated in the academic year 2000/2001 at NCU Toruñ.
Teaching assignments
    Due to the outstanding cooperation with the Project EU colleagues:
  • Many valuable model lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials were given, short intensive courses were designed and executed as well as advice during the process of structure of the existing courses modernisation was provided.
  • The successful international Conference on Science and Mathematics Teaching for the Information Society was organised and the Conference Proceedings were published in English and Polish.
Upgrading of facilities
  • The technical facilities at the Institute of Physics and at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of NCU Toruñ were upgraded. The lecture and demonstration rooms as well as the laboratories for physics and mathematics education were equipped with modern hardware, software, teachware and multimedia equipment.
  • In the Institute of Physics new and unique in Poland, Educational Resources Reading Room was established and provided with the specialised books, journals and manuals, which can be used by students, teachers and trainers of teachers from different Polish educational institutions.
  • At the HSP/WMU Olsztyn the equipment for the created new type of BSc two-subject teachers studies was provided.
Staff retraining
    During the visits at EU partner institutions:
  • The knowledge of academic staff about content, methods and examination requirements of particular courses as well as the knowledge of technical staff about the methods of technical assistance in the educational process were upgraded.
  • Information on educational materials and technical facilities, applied and/or recommended by EU partners were collected and used to complete outcome 1 Curricula Development and outcome 3 Upgrading of Facilities
  • .
Managament and dissemination
  • For effective management a Co-ordinator's unit office was created and properly equipped, collective and transparent decisions were taken during the regular meetings of the Polish board of JEP. All RBAPs and ARSE were discussed with EU partners during the General Evaluation/Planning Meetings and using the Sci-Math Teacher Home Page (http://www.phys.uni.torun.pl/~sci-math).
  • Dissemination of results was carried out by:
    • publications and participation in Polish and international conferences,
    • organisation of workshops for Polish students and teachers,
    • international Conference on Science and Mathematics Teaching for the Information Society,
    • in collaboration with Polish Ministry of National Education (within the Committee on Science Education), In-service Teacher's Training Centre, Polish Association of Science Teachers and City Council of Toruñ
    • management of website.