
Funded by: Norway grants

Implemented under the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021.


Funded by: The national centre for research and development

Programme operator of the programme ‘applied research’.


Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics

The promotor of the Small Grant Scheme 2020 Call.


Keep up to date with the latest developments of the ENDLESS-Mol project.

We released a patch: PyBEST v1.3.2

This patch includes, among other things, some bug fixes. Enjoy v1.3.2!

Download v1.3.2 here

Our new paper on Python, CuPy, and GPUs in JCTC is out!

Accelerating Pythonic Coupled-Cluster Implementations: A Comparison Between CPUs and GPUs. Enjoy reading!

We welcome Marta Gałyńska as a new group member

Marta joint the ENDLESS-Mol project as a co-investigator to work on large-scale modelling. Welcome!

Our new PyBEST paper in CPC is out!

PyBEST: Improved functionality and enhanced performance. Enjoy reading!

We released a patch: PyBEST v1.3.1

This patch includes, among other things, some bug fixes. In addition, we optimized some sub-packages of PyBEST so that it runs faster and requires less memory. Enjoy v1.3.1!

Download v1.3.1 here

Our new paper on geminals and organic electronics in JPCL is out!

Geminal-Based Strategies for Modeling Large Building Blocks of Organic Electronic Materials. Enjoy reading!

We welcome Lena Szczuczko as a new group member

Lena joint the ENDLESS-Mol project as a co-investigator to develop our GUI. Welcome!

Our new paper in RSC Advances is out!

The relationship between structure and excited-state properties in polyanilines from geminal-based methods. Enjoy reading!

Our fourth major release is out: PyBEST v1.3.0

The new release version of PyBEST includes, among other things, many unique features, like point-charge and static embedding potentials, pCCD with a CI correction, a 1-dimensional contact potential for model Hamiltonians. In addition, we provide GPU-accelerated computing using the CuPy library, which is defaulted for selected bottleck operations. This release was supported by Norway Grants and NCBR. Have a look.

Download v1.3.0 here

Our new paper on ionization potentials from pCCD in PCCP is out!

Benchmarking ionization potentials using the simple pCCD model. Enjoy reading!

We have released a new patch: PyBEST v1.2.1

A new patch has been released for PyBESTv1.2.0, which includes OpenBLAS support for Apple silicon processors.

Download v1.2.1 here

Our third major release is out: PyBEST v1.2.0

The new release version of PyBEST includes, among other things, many unique features, like Ionization Potential CC methods for a pCCD reference function. In addition, we included a CSF implementation for CI-based methods. Have a look.

Download v1.2.0 here

Our new paper on geminals in PCCP is out!

Geminal-based electronic structure methods in quantum chemistry. Toward a geminal model chemistry. Enjoy reading!

We welcome Saddem Mamache as a new group member

Saddem joint the ENDLESS-Mol project as a co-investigator. Welcome!

We welcome Max Kriebel as a new group member

Max joint the ENDLESS-Mol project as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!