Computational intelligence: neural networks and relevant math

Wlodzislaw Duch

Red color = superpages. Please note that I do not actively maintain this page, look at my Filpboard for recent news in neuroscience and other areas.

Neural Networks

Scholarpedia: neural networks | computational intelligence | artificial intelligence
Neural Networks resources, created in 2004 | Neural Networks at PNL | Neural Networks and related fields, IIT (ca) | Neural Network PC-AI Information, commerical vendors
Peter Geczy links (jp) | Sumeet Gupta long list

NN Warehouse, books, papers, software, demos ... | PC Webopaedia - some NN links

FAQs and booksBackpropagator's FAQ and review
Bayesian methods for neural networks - FAQ
Neural Network FAQ, don't start with reading it!
Reinforcement Learning FAQ

Kolmogorov Tutorials, software and documents on machine perception and machine learning.

Book series:
Kluver book series
Springer book series in Computer Science
Perspectives in Neural Computing, Springer
Studies in Fuzzy/Soft Computing, Springer
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer
An Introduction to Natural Computation, D. Ballard
Elements of Statistical Learning (Hasti et al, Stanford)
Handbook of neural/genetic/fuzzy computations
Neural and Adaptive Systems: Fundamentals Through Simulations, interactive book by Principe, Euliano, and Lefebvre
Semi-supervised learningSpikes - neural code, MIT book by Rieke
Statistical Pattern Recogniton book (A. Webb), links to software+data

ANN & Computational Brain Theory Group - book & article reviews
Support Vector Machines book, software and links
Learning and soft computing, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models, Vojislav Kecman

Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification, D. Michie, D.J. Spiegelhalter, C.C. Taylor (eds), Statlog project - great book!
Classical book on information retrieval, C. J. van Rijsbergen
Computational Statistics, Klotz
Multivariate statistics: concepts, models, and applications, Web textbook
Statistics for Business, Social Science, or liberal arts - P.B. Stark (UC Berkley)
Electronic Statistics Textbook, Statsoft
Generalized Information Measures and Their Applications
Statistics at Square One | Statistics On-line Textbooks
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science
Multivariate Statistics: A Practical Guide
Statistics, neural, data mining, and other software, F. Murthag course
Rules of evidence, J.H. Levine, T.B. Roos
Global Optimization e-book! (Janos Pinter)
Mark J. L. Orr, Radial Basis Function Networks, Software+Papers
Conjoint Probabilistic Subband Modeling, PhD thesis, Kris Popat 1997

In Polish: books by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz! Sieci Neuronowe | Sieci Neuronowe dla każdego! (nowe, 2007) | Sygnal Mowy | Rozpoznawanie obrazow |
Inne materialy dydaktyczne |
Ksiazki i programy z AGH (R. Tadeusiewicz)

Commercial NN companiesAND Corporation
Arkus, PL, program ORCA, NN/GA

Conferences in CI and Neuroscience

Neural Network Conferences (IEEE)
Great list, CI + AI
AI/cogSci/Robotics conferences
Multi-day Events for a Large Public: Conferences, Congresses, etc.
Selected Conferences (Helsinki)
CITE, the Computational InTelligencE includes events = conferences

AI and Statitics 2003 Proceedings Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2004
Brain Science Institute (BSI), RIKEN Summer Program
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
EANN: Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
ESANN: European Symposium On Artificial Neural Networks, since 1993, with on-line proceedings!
EUFIT: The European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing.
International Computer Science Conventions - soft computing, proceedings
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems Conference | NIPS Proceedings 1987-now | NIPS On-line! DjVu format | NIPS workshop on error surfaces
Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks, papers! | NLPNN 2001 |
IJCNN - INNS+IEEE joint conference
Machine Learning Summer School MLSS'05, National ICT Australia, Canberra (wideo presentaitons)
Online Workshop on Evolutionary Computation
VI On-line World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications
Neuromorphic Engineering Telluride workshop

Lists, journals and general info

CITE - all Computational Intelligence journals (Elsevier Service)
Neural Networks: Journals (PNL)
Neural Network, Neural Science and Related Journals (PNL)
Journal Sources for AI (U. Mich)
Kluver AI and NN journals (AI, AI Review, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Neural Processing Letters, Minds and Machines)
Network: Computation in Neural Systems
World Scientific Journals
Yahoo: AI Journals

Alma, Web journal on NN and the brain | Applied Soft Computing
Brains, Minds and Media
Int. J. of Computational Intelligence and Organizations (IJCIO)
Neural Computation | Neural Networks | Transactions on NN (IEEE TNN) | Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (IEEE)
Network: Computation in Neural Systems | IEEE Journals On-Line | International Journal of Neural Systems | Neurocomputing (Elsevier Science) | Neural Computing Surveys | Neural Processing Letters (papers for reviewing)
Pattern Analysis & Applications
Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences Online, USA

NN archives/lists:
Mailing Lists long list
Neural, ML Reports Announcements
Connectionist Lists Info | Connectionist Lists Archives | Neural archive at FUNet
Personal Home Pages of Computer Scientists, HP-Search (Trier)

Bibliographies, repositories and paper search engines

Archives, actual repositories of papersArnetminer, research profiles, associations, links ...
e-print archives,, with many mirrors at, for example
Computing Research Repository (CoRR), a part of, includes AI, NN, EC ...
CogPrints archives, all cognitive science subjects and then some ...
IEEE Bibliographies Online (IEEE members only)
Neuroprose - Ohio and a copy at Funet, dead since 1998
SEL-HPC Neural Networks Archive, dead since 1998
Primary biblio/links search engines
Annotated Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Clustering, Statistics, Grammars, Learning
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, a meta-collection, includes Neural Networks Bibliographies)
Computer Science Education Reference Desk
Computer Science Web, CI, Natural Computing journals
Computer Science Bibliography (Trier) | a copy in Hong-Kong
CITE, the Computational InTelligencE website, with bibliographies (Elsevier)
Citeseer research index (NEC+PSU)
Cora - Computer Science Research Paper Search Engine
IEEE Xplore, journals and conferences
IEEE Bibliographies on-line
ML Search - on-line papers
Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library, NCSTRL
Computer Science Reports and bibliographies (mirrors only) at the NZ Digital Library, Waitako Univ.
Collection of BibTeX Databases (Vienna)
Human-Computer Interaction bibliography
Hypertext Bibliography Project (MIT);
PH Bibliography search (image, pattern recognition, ML)
PNL Bibliography collection
Ingentia, many journals
Scircus, scientific information
xxx e-print archive (Los Alamos)

Other lists of bibliographic resources
Nicolaus Copernicus DCM neural collection
Ideal On-line Library - search in AP and other publisher's journals
Biblio Neural Network Query, OFAI
Neuroscience Web Search
Small archives that I sometimes visit:
Murre Jaap, amnesia etc.
PDP Group archive (McClelland)
Univ. of Maryland CS technical reports
UNSW SCSE archive, Franklin

NN Societies, Organizations, Archives

NN Societies:
APNNA - Asian Pacific Neural Network Assembly
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
ENNS - European Neural Network Society
IEEE CIS - Computational Intelligence (former Neural Network) Society | CIS Newsletter | CIS AMD - Autonomous Mental Development committee |
INNS - International Neural Network Society | INNS Newsletter | INNS conference |

Society for Neuroscience
AISB, Society for the Study of AI and Simulation of Behaviour

National societies: Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI)
Dutch SNN, SNN Foundation for Neural Networks | ARC, French Association for Cognitive Science | Italian NNS (SIREN) | Japanese NNS | JCSS, Japanese Cognitive Science Society | Polish NNS (PTSN) | Swedish NNS

NN Large-scale Projects:
Enhanced Learning for Evolutive Neural Architectures (ELENA)
EEG-based Diagnosis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders (ANNDEE)
Neural Control Projects (Glasgow)
NeuroCOLT Working Group | Neurocolt archives
Real World Computing Partnership (jp) | Stimulation Initiative for European Neural Applications (SIENA)

NN Special Projects:
ART WWW Site (Adaptive Resonance Theory, Stephen Grossberg | Gail Carpenter| old ART FAQ
Bio-inspired systems, natural perception/action.
BIO-mimetic structures for LOComotion in the Human body, BIOLOCH
Computational Vision and Active Perception, COGVISYS
Biomimetic multimodal learning using a mirror-neuron-based robot, MIRRORBOT
Bioartificial brain, Neurobit
Biomine web service:
Parma CNN | CNN Simulator in Java (ETH) | CNN at CirLab, chips, applications, links | NOEL - Nonlinear Electronics Lab, Berkeley | Analogical and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory |

ICA, PCA, MCA, NCA and other component analysis methods
Independent Component Analysis (Helsinki, Oja group) | Cichocki group, some demos | survey of ICA | Medica applications of ICA (Makeig) | Salk ICA page
ICA conference proceedings

Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) (Starck) | MCA J. Fadil Matlab toolbox | M. Elad superresolution + Matlab software |
GRNN: from ChemoWeb, progs. in Matlab | copy from CICA |
Logical rule extraction, NRC (Australia) group, ftp archive
Signal Compression and Classification Group (Stanford)
Structure Optimization of Neural Networks (SONN) research group (van Seelen, Bochum)
Centre for Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing (Surrey, UK)

ANNDEE - EEG analysis using NN
EEG data processing with neural networks
Reccurence plots for EEG and other signals - Jurgen Kurths and others.
EEG lectures - Piotr Durka

Evolutionary NNs
Evolutionary Programming Society
Genetic Algorithms Group Publications List
Genetic Algorithms - Innovation (D. Goldberg)

Java applets
Java Applets for NNs and Artificial Life
Java Demos (Hassoun)
Neural Java (LAMI)
NN Warehouse demos

Neurofuzzy and hybrid
ERUDIT - Uncertainty Modeling and Fuzzy Technology, EU Project
FUZZLE, Fuzzy Inference
Hybrid Systems Frequently Asked Questions
NEFCLASS, NEFCON and NEFPROX Projects, neurofuzzy systems
Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing

CI/NN Research Groups, Labs

Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ÖFAI) Vienna
Bioinformatics, learning metrics, Helsinki
Brain Dynamics Research Group, Melbourne (Wright, Bourke, Aldous, Alexander)
Brain Sciences at Brown University
Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Amari | Cichocki | Laboratory for Dynamics of Emergent Intelligence, Yamaguchi |
Computational Intelligence Laboratory, National Center for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS", Greece - medical images, greek scripts, new methods
Centre for Neural Networks - King's College London
Centre for Biodynamics - Boston University (Jim Collins, Nancy Kopell)
COIL Web, Computational Intelligence and Learning
Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, ViennaFraunhofer Institute Echo State Group, large RNNs | Herbert Jaeger Echo State Networks |
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience unit, UCL
HELNET - Helsinki Neural Network Group
Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) Group
ICS - Department of Neural Networks (Prague)
IDIAP Neural Network Home Page
Image Processing and Neural Networks Laboratory, University of Texas at Arlington
Institut für Theoretische Neurophysik
Intel proactive computing, including anticipation, and dealing with uncertainty (Bayesian modeling)
International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)
Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems (ISIS), Southampton
KAIST, Korean Brain Science Center, Soo-Young Lee
Machine Learning and Perception (Microsoft, Chris Bishop)
Microsoft Research Home (Hackerman)
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Home Page
NEC Research Institute - Staff
Neural Information Processing Group (TU Berlin, Bauer, Scholz, Levitt, Obermayer, Lund, Graepel, Piepenbrock, Ritter, Erwin, Schulten ... )
NASA Intelligent Systems, autonomous, collaborative, discovery and health systems - far out ...
Neural Modeling Group (Maryland)
Neural Networks at Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Neural Networks in Holland
Neuroinformatics Group, datamining, HCI, robotics, vision (Bielefeld)
Neuroinformatics Institute (Zurich)
Neuroinformatics Institute (Ulm. G. Palm); demo NAVi (Neuronal Assembly Visualizer)
Neuroinformatics NIH | Neuroinformatics Org
NEuroMod, Amsterdam (Jaap Murre) their Human Memory site
NEuroNet Germany | NEuroNet map |
Neurophysics Institute (Bremen) | Neurophysics Lab HUJ (Jerusalem) | Neurophysics UCSD (Kleinfeld lab) |
NN Research Centre, Helsinki (T. Kohonen)
The Neurosciences Institute (Edelman, others)
Pattern and Information Processing Group Papers (Framer, Gordon, Luttrell, Webber etc.)
NTT Information and Communication Systems Labs.
PASCAL - pattern analysis, statistical modelling and computational learning EU Network
SANS Studies of Artificial Neural Systems
University of Toronto Neural Network Research Group
UTCS Neural Nets Research Group (Mikkulainen, Discern)

CI experts with interesting papers

Abu-Mostafa (Caltech) | Amari Shun-ichi (RIKEN) | Amit, Fusi, N.A.L.S group
Baxter Jonathan - Research and Publications | Bengio Joshua, deep learning | Berthold Michael - RecBF rule extraction | Bishop Chris, neural networks | Boes Siegfried - Papers (RIKEN) | Bao-Liang Lu |Casey Mike - recurrent nets | Cherkassky Vladimir, | course "Learning from data", | Chiu David, NN +k-NN | Chua Leon, CNN | Crespin Daniel - neural, physics papers
Diederich Joachim, NRC Queensland group
Dietterich Thomas G, reinforcement, learning, data mining, stat.
Engelbrecht Andries, NN, CI | Feng Lin, control, learning | Flexer Arthur, SOM, MDS | Frasconi Paolo, structured problems | Furuhashi Takeshi, NN and fuzzy
Giles C. Lee , recurrent networks, info-retrival | Girolami Mark, SOM, SVM, density | Goppert Josef - SOM | Grossberg Stephen On-Line Publications | Grush Rick (cognitive science, linguistics)
Hassoun Mohamad H. (Neural Networks) | Heckerman David, Belief networks, Bayes (Microsoft) | Hinton Geoffrey, Toronto | at his Gatsby, London unit, UCL | Hochreiter Sepp , NN, recurrent | Hopfield John, Princeton Group | old Hopfield at Caltech | Hornik Kurt, NN math. foundation
Ingber Lester - ASA Code and Reprint Archive, SMNI papers
Ishikawa Masumi Laboratory, KIT
Kappen H.J, associative memory, dynamical synapses | Kasabov Nikola- Knowledge Engineering and Discovery Lab (KEDRI) | Kaski Sami, SOM, data analysis, Helsinki | Kohlmorgen Jens, time series, EEG | Kohonen, Oja and Helsinki Group
Korczak J, NN, genetic, image, remote sensing (ULP Strasbourg) | Kremer Stefan, recurrent networks
Kuncheva Ludmila, fuzzy, classification
Lam C. thesis, NN in finances | Lawrence Steve, NN papers | Lucas Simon, NN, Essex Univ.
MacKay David J.C., Bayes and other papers | MacLennan Bruce, simulacra | Niranjan Mahesan, NN, robotics, finances
Orr Mark J.L, NN
Miller, Kenneth D, cortex, vision, development | Morris Robin, bayesian, images | Muller, Klaus-Robert GDH | Muselli Marco, Genova; machine learning, constructive learning | Murtagh F, astronomy, classfication (Queen's, Belfast), Recent Papers
Neal Radford - Bayes stuff
Oja Erkki , NN, PCA, ICA
Platt John, NN, SVM, RAN
Reggia, J, NN, psychiatry | Roberts Stephen, neural papers | Rojas Raul, Berlin, NN | Ron Sun, NN ES symbolic, hybrid systems
Roweis Sam, Toronto/NYC (died in 2010) | Schädler Kristina, distance-based analysis of complex objects | Schiffmann Wolfram - Publications | Schmidhuber Juergen , NN, recurrent | Scholkopf Bernhard, Support Vectors | Setiono, Rudy , NN, rule extraction | Shastri Lokendra, Shruti, neuro-symbolic hybrid | Shultz Thomas, infnat learning, knowledge in NN | Siegelmann Hava, analog computing, super-Turing | Silver Daniel L. - CogNova, metalearning | Tavan Paul | Terman David, oscilatory networks | Thrun Sebastian, learning, applications to robotics
Upal Afzal, unsupervised classification, comparison of different models
Vijayakumar Sethu, learning, robotics
Wan Eric. ICA, speech, autonomous control | Wah Benjamin W. NN, AI | Wahba Grace SVM, kernel, statistics | Wahba tech reports | Wang DeLiang | Weigend Andreas, time series etc | Wermter Stefan and , NLP, NN | Wilamowski Bodgan Maciej, NN, hardware, Wyoming lab | Wright James, EEG & brain modeling
Wuensch Andy, logic networks, discrete dynamics
Xu, Lei, NN math foundations, CUHK CS
Yao, Xin, NN + evolutionary algorithms
Zurada J, NN, learning, Neural Networks Lab

CI experts in Poland:
Katedra Automatyki AGH | Biocybernetics Laboratory, AGH | Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, director | his publications | PPT presentation on neurocomputers (17MB !) | Bogus Piotr, AI, NN, images
Duch Wlodzislaw, NN, ML, rule extraction, neurocognitive informatics
Cichosz Pawel, ML, reinforcement learning
Kacprzyk Janusz, Systems Research Institute
Korbicz Jozef, sterowanie, robotyka | ICCE Zielona Gora
Kosinski Witold, fuzzy, regression
Kwasnicka Halina, evolutionary and ant algorithms
Mandziuk Jacek, Hopfield models
Mulawka Jan, AI, ML, NN & DNA computing!
Osowski Stanislaw, NN & signal processing; Inst. Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej PW
Surma Jerzy, AI, CBR, A-life
Tarnowski Wojciech, robotyka, sterowanie

Courses (in Polish):
Inteligencja obliczeniowa, W. Duch lectures in PPT format.
Geometria obliczeniowa, nice applets
Sieci neuronowe, B. Bartkowski i M. Przydrozny
Budowa i dzialanie mozgu, A. Brodziak


Artificial brains, neural hardware
Astro-neural data mining for astronomy
Dasher - predictive typing interface
Implicit memory glasses (DeVaul)
Microarray Data Analysis
Neural Computing Applications Forum (NCAF)
Neural hardware (EuroNet)
Robotics in Japan

Pic Breeder genetic art
Bioinformatics and bio-applications
Medical applications
AI systems in clinical practice
ANN in Medicine World Map
ANN and Fuzzy in Medical Data Analysis, Turku
Clinical Information Science Unit, The University of Leeds.
European medical projects
Dybowski Associates, UK
Fox lab, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Industrial use of safety-related ANN, P. J. G. Lisboa.
Inference and advisory system for medical diagnosis, Nijmegen.
Medical Applications of NN, University of Vienna.
NHS Direct online, decision tree advices
NN in urology, prostate etc.
Open Clinical org, knowledge management for patient care
The Society for ANN In Medicine And Biology |
Face recognition:
Face Recognition Home Page | Microsoft Face Group | Identix, FaceIt and other commerical software.
Financial applications:
Advanced Investment Technologies Center - NN, chaos in finances
Bankruptcy Prediction Using Artificial Neural Systems ,
Connectionnist Approach to the Forecasting of Time Series (Denis Bonnet, Delta-NARMA neural networks)
Financial neural networks (
Neural Networks & Financial Markets - mainly SOM for financial analysis
NN to predict finacial markets, NeuraNet itd
Neural Networks in Capital Markets (seria konferencji)
Neural Net Trading
Stock market forcast page

Cognitive Processor - Molly Group Top Of Mind, Internet Knowledge Kiosk, Knowledge Bridge: DSS, data mining;
Neuro-lotto, good luck!

Case studies of successful NN applications in Europe (SIENA)
Neurophysiology Applications Group (Aston)
Neural network applications in medicine
Industrial applications of Neural Networks (Bob Marks)
Neural Networks in High Energy Physics, good list of interesting links
NICI Handwriting Recognition Group

Other neural network topics

Competitions, benchmarks
Agnostic vs. Prior Knowledge Competition, Isabelle Gouyon
Andorid Application Google Competition, with 10M$ prizes!
BackPropagation Competition (Joost, Schiffmann)
Benchmarking of learning algorithms (Lutz Prechelt)
Brain-computer interface IV competition
DELVE - Data for Evaluating Learning in Valid Experiments
NIPS 2000 unlabled data supervised learning competition - Krzysztof Grabczewski and Rafal Adamczak from DI NCU did quite well !
NIPS 2001 unlabled data supervised learning competition
NIPS 2003, feature selection challenge - DI NCU collegues, Norbert Jankowski and Krzysztof Grabczewski came third!
Netflix 1 million dollars challenge
10 challenging problems in Data Mining | 10 most influential DM algorithms
Comparison of results
Comparison of classfication results | Logical rules extracted from data | 2D pattern gallery of machine learning classifiers
Cortex group home page
Reduced Set Probability Density Estimator, Parzen windows and Reduce set method, software and paper
Imagination engines - "creative" neural networks?
Mgix's Neural Network Taming Page
Neural Computing Group (Aston): NN Software
Neural Connection - SPSS
On-line NN courses (from PNL)
Neural Networks at your Fingertips, Adeline, Hopfield and other NN models
Rule Extraction From Neural Networks | QUT Machine Learning Research Centre
Steck J.E, quantum dots, neural
Transfer between neural networks
Transfer funcitons in neural networks - tutorial

Software for neural networks - separate page
Self-organisation, Kohonen model, SOM, unsupervised modelsKohonen, Oja, Helsinki Group | SOM bibliography | SOM/LVQ page | SOM/LVQ unofficial page |
Eudaptics - SOMine
B. Fritzke, Growing SOM | demo GNG (Growing SOM ect) | ReefSOM, or SOM fish ... |
Mixture modelling - David Dowe, unsupervised learning | Mixture modelling & Clustering (Monash)
ViSOM, H. Yin |
SOM-based maps: WEBSOM - free-text mining | VizieR astro catalog | astro A&A papers map | Astroph.J papers map |
PicSOM - similarity based image browsing.

Other intelligent search techniques:
Neurogrid |
PicSOM - image search with face recogniton.

Math & Statistics

e-MATH Home Page
Mathematics Information Servers - UJ
American Statistical Association, and Journal of the American Statistical Association
Computing Section
Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
International Association for Statistical Computing | datasets from IASC | few links to IASC databases
International Federation of Classification Societies
Java Applets for Visualization of Statistical Concepts
Mathematics Preprint Server
Mathematics Web
Mathematica integrals
NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods
FAQ: Numerical Analysis & Associated Fields Resource Guide i kopia w Niemczech
FAQ: Statistics | SAS Webring FAQs |
SIPTA, Society for Imprecise Probability, belief functions, probability orderings, interval-valued probabilities, measures of uncertainty, human judgment tools, software, data
Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources

Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
Computer Science Unplugged (how to teach children algorithms)
Resampling, bootstrap etc
World Scientific and Engineering Society, conferences in computational intelligence, jobs, positions ...
Sekcja Klasyfikacji i Analizy Danych Polskiego Towarzystwa Statystycznego

Computer-based learning in Statistics, or CTI statistics

Labs & Departments

List of statistics labs around the world (journals, other info, from Statlib)
Multivariate analysis notes (UoIll, Chicago), Stanley L. Sclove

People in math/statistics

Atkeson Chris - Local regression
W Polsce (in Poland)

Special topics in math/statisitcs

Automatic Differentiation Tools | Argonne Computational Differentiation | Aachen AD page |
Bayesian Analysis: International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Boosting, ensamble learning | JBoost for boosting clasification, with ADTrees
Classification: Classification Society of North America
Clustering: EPCLUST: Clustering, visualization, and analysis | Model-Based Clustering (Raftery) | Bibliography on Cluster Analysis (SAS) | Model-based Clustering | Fuzzy Clustering Bibliography | Fuzzy Cluster Analysis
Computer Vision: CV online
Data imputation (missing data): Amelia overview, Honaker et al, Harvard | Norm software for multiple imputation | Joseph L. Schafer, PSU | useful FAQ
Decision trees: RULEQUEST Research - decision trees, C5/See 5

E: Econometrics.Net

Feature Selection: Feature Selection Page with links to books | Feature Selection papers

Graphical models, Bayesian belief networks: Brief intro, Kevin Murphy
Information Retrieval - separate page
Morphological analysis: Swedish morphological society | Swiss morphological society | Fritz Zwicky, astronomer who invented it.
Ordination methods: Ordination for ecology
Polyhydreal computations: What is Polyhedral Computation FAQ, Voronoi cells, Delaunay triangulation, polytopes
Probability: Probability and Related Areas | Probability Web
Transformations of images: Curvlets | Waveatom transforms | Wavelets | Rice wavelet toolbox | Morphological Component Analysis | SPARCO: sparse reconstruction algorithms toolbox |
Transfer learning: TL Spider Toolkit |
Many math/science journals

Dynamical systems, complex systems

Center for Complex Systems, Boca Raton, FL


Optimization Technology Center
Global Optimization: Software, Events, Publications, Home Pages
Global (and Local) Optimization | Global Optimization Survey | Global Optimization e-book! (Janos Pinter)
Gupta Hosshin, multisimplex optimization, Global optimization, multisimplex method
Mathematical Programming in Machine Learning (Wisconsin)
Monte Carlo Inference (Raftery papers)
Entropy on the World Wide Web
Reactive Tabu Search (R. Battiti) | Tabu Search(Nicholson)
Differential Evolution (K. Price, R. Storn) | Differential Evolution Society
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods Particle Filtering

SoftwareTuneIT, Testing Machine Learning & Data Mining Algorithms - Automated Tests, Repeatable Experiments, Meaningful Results.

Kernel methods server
Schölkopf server, Tubingen
Girosi and Poggio SVM papers
Support Vector Machines book, software and links to kernel-based methods
SVM applications
SVM On-line demonstration | SVM Java Applet

Society for Modeling and Simulation International European Council
PC-AI modeling and simulation
Disapearing computer, EU FET projects

Chernoff's faces Java demo | interactive applet
CyberAtlas | Code Swarm, dynamical visualization.
Data Visualization & Statistical Graphics
DAVIS Java software, clusters, parallel coordinates, PCA
Distance Metric Learning, with software
GE Data visualization collection

HiT-MDS, or MDS with correlation coefficient, with software
Isomap, some Matlab software
Locally Linear Embedding
Maximum mutual information feature transformations , K. Torkkola |
Multidimensional Scaling (Newcastle Uni) | Multidimensional Scaling on-line book by Cox and Cox | New MDSX, a resource base for Multidimensional Scaling | MDS, multidimensional scaling | MDS Alscal | Hit-MDS | MDS from Granular, with software |
Parallel coordinates, Alfred Inselberg's page | more Parallel Coordinates | Java applet | PC and football ! | Principal curves page | skeletonization algorithm in Java | Local principal curves in R |
Manifold learning, Mani webpage with Matlab demo | Bibliography and news | simple manifold learning example |
Table lens
Proximity visualization, W. Basalaj, interesting thesis
Reccurrence plots (N. Marwan and others)
VIsual DaTA MINing System, VITAMIN-S
Sonification, or play your data
Scientific sonification
Time Radar Trees
Visual complexity projects

High-dimensional geometry
Many-dimensional Geometry |
Examples with java applets (JW Bradley, RW West) |
High-dimensional geometry (Piotr Indyk) |
Nonlinear Manifolds in Pattern Recognition |
Polytopes and optimal packing of p points in n-dimensional spheres | Polyhydral computations (Fukuda) | Quick Hull algorithm for convex hull |
High-D applets and games! | More nice math applets, including hypercubes.
XMDV, software for interactive visual exploration of multivariate data sets, intersting case studies.
Large graph layout (LGL)
Graphviz graph drawing software
Visumap - Relational Perspective Maps (free trial) | More software for visualization

Information Visualization and Presentation, M. Hearst
Statistical learning theory and applications, T. Poggio
CI lectures, Andrew Ng, Stanford
Atlas of the Cyberspace
Opte - map of the Internet |
Probabilistic learning (P. Smyth)

Last modification 2.01.2014, by Wlodzislaw Duch; my local homepage