Personal Data:
Name: Wlodzimierz Jaskólski
Office address: Instytut Fizyki UMK, Grudziadzka 5, 87-100;Torun, Poland
e-mail address:
Degrees and Education:
2002 - full professor
1996 - D.Sc. solid state physics
1986 - PhD. theoretical physics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun
'Quasirelativistic scattering theory'
1981-1984 - Postgraduate Studies at the Institute of Physics,
Nicholas Copernicus University
1979 - MSc, theoretical physics, Nicholas Copernicus University
1974-1979 - Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, theoretical physics
Professional experience:
2020 - Vice Rector for the Cooperation with Social and Business Environment
2016 - 2020 Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
2015 - 2016 Head of the Department of Quantum Mechanics in the Institute of Physics
2012 - Expert of the National Science Center
2007- 2014 Director of the Institute of Physics
2001- 2006 - Deputy Director of the
Institute of Physics
2002- 2004 - Member of Physics Section of KBN (Polish Council for Scientific
since 2000 - Professor in the Institute of Physics
since 1996 - Head of Group of Theory of Low-dimensional Structures,
1987-1999 - Assistant Professor in the Institute of Physics, Nicholas
Copernicus University
1991-1997 - Head of Computer Laboratory at the Institute of Physics,
Nicholas Copernicus University
1984-1986 - Assistant in the Institute of Physics, Nicholas Copernicus
Research and Development Grants:
'Struktura energetyczna
polprzewodnikowych kropek kwantowych' (head)
"Physics of quantum dots" (3 years) head
'Confined quantum systems stationary properties and dynamics' (head)
'Electronic structure of surfaces, quantum wells and superlattices' (head)
'Development of methods of theoretical description of surfaces, interfaces and thin layers'
under the Fulbright Program,
at NIST,
Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC, Valencia, Spain (3 months)
Honors and Awards:
2018 - Award (I degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2017 - Award (II degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2016 – Award (II degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University
2015 - LUMEN - Leader in Management at the University – group award
2012 – Award of the Marshal of Kuyavia-Pomerania Region
2011 – Award (I degree) of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus Univesrisity
2009 – Award (II degree) of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
2002 - Award (I degree) of The
Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
2000 - Group Award of The Rector of the University of Gdansk
1997 - Individual Award of The Minister of National Education
1995 - Educational Award of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
1992 - Award (II degree) of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
1986 - Award (III degree) of The Rector of the Nicholas Copernicus University
Memberships and Affiliations:
Polish Physical Society - since 1992
Research Fields:
Achievements (latest):
· First interpretation of the optical spectra
of colloidal InAs nanocrystals (1997)
· Prediction of the antibonding ground state of
pairs of self-organized InAs/GaAs QD (2004,2006), confirmed experimentally in
· Interpretation of the grain-boundary
localized states in graphene as originating from the zigzag-edge states (2011)
· Prediction of the existence of topologically
protected states at grain boundaries in bilayer graphene (2016)
quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, theory of the solid state, physics of low-dimensional structures, computer science, numerical methods, programming
Schools, Conferences and Seminars:
1979, 1981, 1985, 1987 - Schools of
Advanced Methods of
Quantum Chemistry, Bachotek, Poland; posters,
1985 - School of Theoretical Chemistry, Zakopane, Poland; poster,
1986 - Symposium on Relativistic Many-body Problems, Trieste, Italy, 2
posters+oral presentation,
1988 - Workshop on Quantum Chemistry, Girona, Spain; poster,
1990 - Molecular Physics Seminar, MPI Garching, Germany, invited lecture,
1991 - Theoretical Chemistry Symposium HITY-91, Warszawa, Poland; invited
- Nato Advanced Study
Methods in
Computational Molecular Physics, Bad Windshaim, Germany
- Departamento de Ciencias
Experimentales, Universidad Jaume I, Castellon, Spain, invited lecture
1992 - Symposium 'Physics and Microelectronics', Torun, Poland; invited
- IV ECAMP, Riga, poster,
- 16 Seminar on Surface Physics,
Kudowa, Poland; poster,
1993 - Departamento de Fisica Quimica, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia,
Spain, invited lecture
1994 - XXIII International School on Physics of Semiconductor Compounds,
Jaszowiec, Poland
1995 - IX International School of Condensed Matter Physics,
Properties of Condensed Matter", Bialowieza, Poland
1996 - 18th International Seminar on Surface Physics, Polanica, Poland; invited
1997 - March Meeting of The American Physical Society, Kansas City, USA, oral
- Workshop on Recent Advances
on Physics of Single Quantum Dots
Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA, 22-23 July, poster
1998 - International School on Physics of Semiconductor Compounds, Jaszowiec,
Poland; 2 posters
- Atomic Physics Division,
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, invited lecture
- Molecular Physisc Seminar,
MPI Garching, Germany, invited lecture,
1999 - NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Optical properties of semiconductor
Jaszowiec, Poland,
- Institute of Physics,
Wroclaw Technical University, invited lecture
2000 - Physics Division, University of Szczecin, invited lecture
- Atomic Physics and
Luminescence Division, Technical University of Gdansk, invited lecture
- Fourth Seminar on
Nanostructures: Research, Technology and Applications,
Bachotek'2000, invited lecture
- XXIX International
School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
Jaszowiec, oral
- 20th International Seminar
on Surface Physics, Kudowa, 2 posters
2001 - Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University, invited lecture
- Fifth Seminar on
Nanostructures: Research, Technology and Applications,
Bachotek'2001, invited lecture
- XXX International
School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
2001, poster
2002 - VIII Seminar Surfaces and Thin Layers
Poreba, may 2002, invited lecture
2002 - ICSNN 2002, Toulouse, France, poster
- LDSD2002, Fortaleza, Brazil,
oral presentation + poster
- Department of Physics,
University of Parana, Curitiba, Brasil invited lecture
2003 - NATO ARW on Quantm Dots: Fundamentals, Frontiers and Applications,
Crete, June, invited lecture
2004 - Department of Physics, University of Lancaster, UK, February, 'Quantum
dot molecules' invited lecture
- CECAM Workshop on Modeling
of Quantum Dots, Lyon, June 28-30, 'Tight-binding theory of strained
nanoheterostructures' invited lecture
- LDSD Conference, Cancun,
Meksyk, December 12-17, 'Tight-binding theory of strained quantum dots' poster
- Instituto de Fisica,
Universidad de Puebla, Puebla, Meksyk, 'Tight-binding theory of systems of
strained quantum dots' invited lecture
2005 - Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain, 'Carbon
nanotube quantum dots and superlattices' invited lecture
- Instytut Fizyki PAN,
Warszawa, 'On some peculiar properties of carbon nanotube superlattices' invited
- Brian Wybourne
Connmemorative Meeting, June 12-14, Torun, 'The role of symmetry in metallic
carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices"
- The EightInternational
School of Theoretical Physics SSPCM'2005,September 1-7, Myczkowce,
'Symmetry and
structural properties of carbon nanotube quantum dots and superlattices' invited
2006 - NANO2006 Workshop 'Prospectives in nanosciene and nanotechnology, Sab
Sebastian (
'Electronic and optical properties of quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators' oral presentation
2007 – Indian Associacion for the
Cultivation of Sciences,
- Benares Hindu University,
- Inter
‘Self-assembled quantum dots in nanomechanical oscillators’ invited lecture
2007 – Second French-Polish
Workshop on High Magnetic Field,
Nanotubes in a magnetic field’ invited
2008 – Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej UW, 11-01, “Systems of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic field”
invited lecture
International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds,
May 2008, poster
- CECAM Workshop on Computational approaches to semiconductor, carbon and
- XXXII International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Coherence and Correlations in
Nanosystems, Ustron, September 2008.
- Workshop on Optics of Nanostructers,
2009 – Canada-Poland-Japan International
Symposium on Nanoscience, Wrocław, October 2009, invited lecture
“Interface states of carbon nanotube junctions”
2010 – Wydział Fizyki
Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, “Interface states of carbon nanotubes”, invited lecture
2011 - Polish-German Workshop on
the Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Wrocław, February 2011, invited lecture
“Edge states and flat bands in grephene nanoribbons of arbitrary shape”
- Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Lublin, September 2011, invited lecture
“Jak bez obliczeń
znaleźć stany brzegowe wstęg grafenowych”
- XIII International Conference on the Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces, Praga, July 2011, poster
“Edge localized bands in graphene nanoribbons with arbitrary geometries”
2012 - 12th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Birmingham, August 2012, oral presentation
“Octagonal defects in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes”
2013 - 20 International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems, Wrocław, July 2013, invited lecture
“Octagonal defect lines in graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes”
Fizyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, March 2013, invited lecture
„Octagonal defect lines in graphene structures”
- Centrum Astronomii UMK, November 2013, invited lecture
“Fascynujący, dwuwymiarowy świat grafenu”
2014 - The European Conference Physics of Magnetizm 2014, Poznań, June 2014, invited lecture
“Coulomb edge effects in graphene nanoribbons”
- Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, Barcelona, October 2013, invited lecture
“Theory of the electronic structure of grain boundaries in graphene”
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Conference, Porto, February 2014, invited lecture
“The role of octagonal defects in the electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes”
2015 - Instytut Fizyki Uniwersytetu
Szczecińskiego, March 2015, invited
magnetyczne wybranych struktur grafenowych”
- Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Uniwersytetu
Wrocławskiego, February 2015, invited
wlasciwosci grafenu”,
2018 - 3rd International Conference
on Physics of 2D Crystals, Valetta, Malta, May 2018, invited lecture
“Layertronics – the layer localization control of topological states in bilayer graphene with a gate voltage”
2019 - School on Two-Dimensional Crystals
and Photonics – 2DCP, September
2019,Tbilisi, Georgia, invited lecture,
„ Forcing single layer graphene to behave like a gated bilayer ”