Towards Fascinating Physics and Chemistry
22nd April - 12th May 2007, Torun, Poland

Programme of Towards Fascinating Physics and Chemistry Seminar,
22nd April - 12th May 2007
The schedule of each day of the Seminar:
 8.30 - 9.30 - Breakfast (in the Hotel of "Academic Junior and Senior High School")
 9.30 - 13.00 - Lecture "before lunch"
11.00 - 11.30 - Break
13.30 - 14.30 - Lunch
15.00 - 17.30 - Lecture "after lunch"
16.00 - 16.30 - Break



Before lunch

After lunch

22.04 (sunday)




23.04 (monday)

Introduction: J. Turlo

Administration: J. Turlo, Hantschk/Fibi

J. Turlo


24.04 (tuesday)

H. Fibi, I. Hantschk   "Fuel cells"

H. Fibi

I. Hantschk

25.04 (wednesday)

J. Turlo   "Nuclear energy around us"

J. Turlo

 School visits

26.04 (thursday)

T. Asunta "Men and environment"

T. Asunta

V. Meisalo

27.04 (friday)

T. Asunta "Men and environment"

V. Meisalo

T. Asunta

28.04 (saturday)

P. Michaelides "Advances in Science Teaching"

P. Michaelides


29.04 (sunday)

Free time



30.04 (monday)

V. Hermanova: "Information technology and the Internet in chemistry tuition"
V. Hermanova: "Encouraging Prospective Teachers to Use Problem-Based Learning Strategies with Pupils/Students of Different Levels and Age Groups"

V. Hermanova, J. Skoda

V. Hermanova, J. Skoda

01.05 (tuesday)

Students' work, Nicolaus Copernicus Museum, Planetarium

Students' work

Planetarium: 14.30,
Museum: 16.00

02.05 (wednesday)

P. Stiuca "Nuclear Energy: good energy, bad energy or what?"

P. Stiuca

14.30 - Visit to Astronomical Observatory in Piwnice

03.05 (thursday)

Students work



04.05 (friday)

Per-Eric Ahlen/Morgan Leander

Before lunch: "How to motivate pupils and make them interested in scientific studies. An successful example from Karlstad (Sweden)"

After lunch: "Understanding the rules of nature - from everyday concepts to science. Starting with observing and recognizing with basic experiment for children of different ages ending with achieving competence for solving problems"

 M. Leander

P.E. Ahlen

05.05 (saturday)

Per-Eric Ahlen/Morgan Leander

"Produce electric energy. Where does it come from? Laboratory lesson."

M. Leander

06.05 (sunday)

Free time



07.05 (monday)

Manuel Filipe Costa "Hands on - activities to generate and maintain pupil’s interest in science/ computer simulations"

M.F. Costa

M.F. Costa

08.05 (tuesday)

M. Musumeci
G. Karwasz   "Positive and negative feedback in climate change"

M. Musumeci

 G. Karwasz

09.05 (wednesday)

G. Ioannidis "Neutron stars, black holes, and the life of all stars in the Universe" and "The Big Bang and the creation of the Universe"
T. Szymanski, B. Iglinski "Chemistry in the Kitchen"

G. Ioannidis

T. Szymanski,
B. Iglinski

10.05 (thursday)

G. Pospiech "Mathematical modeling with relevance to environmental problems"
N. Valanides "Developing argumentation and reasoning skills using a blended learning environment"

G. Pospiech

N. Valanides

11.05 (friday)

Evaluation/Final discussion/Certificates: J. Turlo

J. Turlo

J. Turlo

12.05 (saturday)
