Towards Fascinating Physics and Chemistry
22nd April - 12th May 2007, Torun, Poland

How to get from main Railway Station (Torun Glowny) to your hotel?
There are two direct buses from Railway Station to Old Town: No. 22 and No. 27. You should leave the bus at the second bus-stop - at the Rapacki's Square. Then you are adviced to retreat some meteres and find the Mikolaj Kopernik's Street. Now, please follow this street in the direction of the Old Town. Going to the hotel "Zajazd Staropolski" you should turn left at the fourth cross-road.

The way to "Hostel of "Academic Junior and Senior High School" is very easy. Students must take the bus No. 27 (departures near the Torun Glowny Railway Station) and get off on 5th bus-stop. Here you can find photo of this building.

The way to Student's Hostel No. 9 and Student's Hostel No. 10 at the Gagarin's Street is a little more complicated. You should leave the bus No. 22 on the fourth bus-stop, cross the street (near the drugstore "Panaceum"), get in bus No. 15 and get off at the fourth bus-stop. Here you can find some useful informations
about University Campus in Torun.

Do not remember to buy a ticket for a bus. It can be bught at the news-stand near the bus-stops for a 2,1 zlotys (about 0,5 EUR). A taxi costs about 30 zlotys (8 EUR).

How to get from Mickiewicza Street (Polish Express bus-stop) to your hotel?
The way is very easy. You must turn back, go some metres (towards the crossroads with the traffic lights) and turn right (towards the bridge). This is the Rapacki's Square Now go straight follow to the bus-stops and cross the street (crossroads with the traffic lights). On the left side you can see the bus-stops of buses No. 22 and No. 27. Please take a look at the Plan of Torun.

How to get from your hotel to the Place of the Seminar?
The way from hotel "Zajazd Staropolski" to the "Academic Junior and Senior High School" is very simple. From Zeglarska Street you must go straight forward - through the Rynek Staromiejski Square, Che³minska Street and near hotel "Polonia" you should cross the street, then follow Szosa Che³minska Street until you will see the "Panaceum" druggist's shop. Now, you are adviced to cross the street and go straight forward for about half a kilometer until You will see the building of the Gymnasium on the left side of the Chelminska Street. Here you can find photo of this building.

Students from Hostel No.10 must get in bus No. 15 and get off at the fifth bus-stop. Then, they are adviced to cross the street and go straight forward for about half a kilometer until they see the building of the Gymnasium on the left side of the Chelminska Street.

Here you can find the plan of the Old Town