Modern Programming Languages

Written primarily in the Python programming language with additional parts written in C++ and interfaced using pybind11.

Unconventional Electronic Structure Methods

PyBEST provides an efficient and reliable platform for electronic structure calculations at the interface of chemistry and physics using unique electronic structure methods.

Endless Possibilities

PyBEST is easy to use and easy to code in. It can be used as an interface to other quantum chemistry packages.


Keep up to date with the latest developments of PyBEST.

Our fifth major release is out: PyBEST v2.0.0

The new release version of PyBEST includes, among other things, many unique features, like the automatic generation of frozen core orbitals in post-HF calculations and various IP-CC, IP-fpCC, and IP-fpLCC models. In addition, we added new contractions for our GPU-accelerated computing using the Cupy library, which is defaulted for selected bottleck operations. We also switched to nanobind and a cmake build. Have a look and enjoy PyBEST v2.0.0!

Download v2.0.0 here

We released a patch: PyBEST v1.3.2

This patch includes, among other things, some bug fixes. Enjoy v1.3.2!

Download v1.3.2 here

We released a patch: PyBEST v1.3.1

This patch includes, among other things, some bug fixes. In addition, we optimized some sub-packages of PyBEST so that it runs faster and requires less memory. Enjoy v1.3.1!

Download v1.3.1 here

Our fourth major release is out: PyBEST v1.3.0

The new release version of PyBEST includes, among other things, many unique features, like point-charge and static embedding potentials, pCCD with a CI correction, a 1-dimensional contact potential for model Hamiltonians. In addition, we provide GPU-accelerated computing using the Cupy library, which is defaulted for selected bottleck operations. Have a look.

Download v1.3.0 here

We have released a new patch: PyBEST v1.2.1

A new patch has been released for PyBESTv1.2.0, which includes OpenBLAS support for Apple silicon processors.

Download v1.2.1 here

Our third major release is out: PyBEST v1.2.0

The new release version of PyBEST includes, among other things, many unique features, like Ionization Potential CC methods for a pCCD reference function. In addition, we included a CSF implementation for CI-based methods. Have a look.

Download v1.2.0 here

PyBEST was represented at the XV Copernicus Seminar for Ph.D. students

The PyBEST developer team represented by Paweł gave an invited lecture on the possibilities of PyBEST to solve chemical problems. Great job, Paweł!

Seminar homepage

Our second major release is out: PyBEST v1.1.0

The new release version of PyBEST includes, among other things, many unique features, like frozen-pair CC methods, tailored CC methods, and some new pCCD-based EOM-CC flavors. In addition, we included pVp integrals, the DKH Hamiltonian, and some standard CI-based methods. Have a look.

Download v1.1.0 here

We have released a new patch containing some minor updates: PyBEST v1.0.2

A second patch has been released for PyBESTv1.0.0, which includes several minor style fixes and code improvements.

Download v1.0.2 here

We have released a new patch: PyBEST v1.0.1

A new patch has been released for PyBESTv1.0.0, which includes several bug fixes and code improvements.

Download v1.0.1 here

The first paper on PyBEST is online

The first paper on PyBEST can be found on arXiv.

Click here

The first release is out: PyBEST v1.0.0

The very first version of PyBEST has been released.

Download v1.0.0 here