Use this form to post info on your group
You may also use this form to update your info: to add data precede it with +, to remove with -, please. Always fill "Name of the group" and "Submitted by" sections.

Name of the group to be posted as a major tab*
e.g. Torun group (P. Targowski)  - no links from here, please

Principal investigators
use the following format, please:
# Surname, name, [personal web site, if any][e-mail] (institution name [web site] )
e.g. 1 Piotr Targowski [][]( Institute of Physics [], Nicolaus Copernicus University[], Toruń, Poland)


Posdoctoral fellows (if any)
use the following format, please:
# Surname, name, [personal web site, if any][e-mail] (institution name [web site] )

PhD students
use the following format, please:
# Surname, name, [personal web site, if any][e-mail]

major research interests
itemise or not - it is up to you, add links[ ] if you wish

research grants
use the following fomat, please:
# starting year - ending year, "title", source, add links [ ] if you wish

Submited by:*

Place for addional message: