Curriculum Vitae


Name: Michał Zieliński

Office address: Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, ul. Grudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń, Poland



Google Scholar: s2BJ5XEAAAAJ

ORCID: 0000-0002-7239-2504

ResearcherID: C-2587-2013



Professional experience


2024-present, Full Professor, IF UMK Toruń, Poland

2020-2024, member of NCU (UMK) senate

2023-2024, Assistant Professor, University of Gdańsk, Poland

2016-2024, Head of Department of Quantum Physics, IF UMK Toruń, Poland

2017-2024, Associate Professor, IF UMK Toruń, Poland

2009-2017, Assistant Professor, IF UMK Toruń, Poland

2006-2009, Research Officer, Quantum Theory Group, Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council of Canada


Degrees and education


2015 - D.Sc., Nicolaus Copernicus University, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland

2006 - Ph.D., Nicolaus Copernicus University, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland

2002 - MSc, microelectronics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
2002 - MSc, theoretical physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University,
Toruń, Poland


Honours and Awards


2023 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Team Award (Third-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2022 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Award (Third-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2021 Top 2% scientists for citation impact during 2020

2021 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Distinction for Scientific Achievements

2020 Top 2% scientists for citation impact during 2019

2020 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Award (Third-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2017 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Award (Third-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2016 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Award (Second-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2014 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Award (Second-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2013 Nicolaus Copernicus University Rector’s Award (First-Class) for Scientific Achievements

2013 Scholarships for outstanding young scientists (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

2011 Member of the “Young Scientists Council” at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

2010 Laureate of the "Homing Plus" project of the Foundation for Polish Science

2009 Foundation for Polish Science and TPKN Grzegorz Białkowski Award (II place) for best PhD thesis in last three years: „Effects of strain on electronic and optical properties of quantum dots.”

2002 Award (II degree) of the Polish Physical Society for best Master's thesis: “Tight binding method for nanocrystals: density of probability and energy spectra.”

2001 – Scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Education

2000 – Scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Education

Research Grants


2023 NCN (National Science Centre) POLONEZ BIS research grant (mentor)

2019 Laureate of the NCN (National Science Centre) OPUS research grant (project manager)

2016 Laureate of the NCN (National Science Centre) SONATA BIS research grant (project manager)

2013 “Mentoring” project - Foundation for Polish Science

2013 Laureate of the "Iuventus Plus" research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project manager)

2011 Laureate of the NCN (National Science Centre) SONATA research grant (project manager)

2010 Laureate of the "Iuventus Plus" research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project manager)

2010 "Homing Plus" project of the Foundation for Polish Science, “Control of Control of exciton levels in quantum dots: atomistic theory as a step towards entangled photon pairs generation” (project manager)

2004 State Committee for Scientific Research (SCSR)  Project 3T11B04326 - Modeling of Semiconductor Nanostructures, (participant)

2003 SCSR Project PBZ-Min-008/p03/2003 - Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Engineering, (participant)


Scientific Visits


2023/2024 – University of La Laguna, Spain (4 weeks)

2023 – UNNE, Corrientes, Argentina (3 weeks)

2019 – NIST, Gaithersburg, USA (1 week)

2018 – NIST, Gaithersburg, USA (2 weeks)

2012-2015 – TU Delft, The Netherland (numerous short visits)

2014 Solid State Institute, Haifa, Israel (two weeks)

2011 Fundan University, Shanghai, China (two weeks)

2010 Ottawa University, Canada (post-doc; 2 months)

2010 National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada (two weeks)

2009 National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (two weeks)

2003 – NIST, Gaithersburg, USA (2 months)

2002 – NIST, Gaithersburg, USA (1 month)


Schools, Conferences and Seminars


2024 – MultiQubit Workshop 2024, Helsingor, Denmark, invited oral presentation

2024 – NanoSeries2024, Lisbon, Portugal, oral presentation

2024 – OEM-2D Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, invited oral presentation

2024 – NanoPQIQO 2024 Conference, Yerevan, Armenia, invited oral presentation

2024 – Department of Chemistry Seminar, University of Toronto, Canada, invited oral presentation

2024 – Quantum Dots Conference 2024, Munich, Germany, poster

2023 – Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop (SiQEW2023), Kioto, Japan, poster

2023 – Department of Physics Seminar, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina, invited oral presentation

2023 – Trends in Nanotechnology International Conferece (TNT2022), Tirana, Albania, oral presentation

2022 – International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress and Exhibition (APMAS2022), Oludeniz, Turkey, oral presentation

2022 Nanophotonics in Torun (international workshop), organizing committee

2022 – International Workshop on Quantum Circuits in 2D Materials (QC2DM 2022), Ottawa, Canada, invided oral presentation

2022 – FoKA (Fotony, Kwanty, Atomy) Workshop, Gdańsk, Poland, oral presentation

2022 – Toruń Art and Science Festival, oral presentation

2022 – International Conference On Physics Of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMNCN) 2022, Cuba, Varadero, oral presentation

2022 – „Coherence-Correlations-Complexity” seminar, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, invited oral presentation

2021 – XXXXIX “Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Szczyrk, Poland, invited oral presentation (special tutorial session)

2019 – International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures OPON 2020, Warsaw, Poland, invited oral presentation

2019 – Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, invited oral presentation

2019 – Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2019, San Sebastian, Spain

2019 – XXXXVIII “Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Szczyrk, Poland

2019 – FoKA (Fotony, Kwanty, Atomy) Workshop, Iława, Poland, oral presentation

2019 – Quantum Nano Photonics Seminar, KTH Stockholm, Sweden, invited oral presentation

2018 – 5th International Workshop on Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Münster, Germany, invited oral presentation

2018 – APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, oral presentation

2017 – Optics of Excitons in Confined System (OECS15), Bath, UK, oral presentation

2017 – Wroclaw University of Technology (seminarium KFD), invited oral presentation

2017 – Quantum Nano Photonics Seminar, KTH Stockholm, Sweden, invited oral presentation

2016 – XXXXV “Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Szczyrk, Poland, invited oral presentation

2015 – Optics of Excitons in Confined System (OECS14), Jerusalem, Israel, poster

2014 – II Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Interdyscyplinarne Inter-Mix, Wojanów, invited oral presentation

2014 – XXXXIII “Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Wisła, Poland, oral presentation

2014 – Ouantum Dots Conference, Pisa, Italy, poster

2014 – Solid State Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel, invited oral presentation

2013 – Optics of Excitons in Confined System (OECS13), Rome, Italy, poster

2013 – Optical and Electrical Spectroscopy of Single Quantum Dots, oral presentation

2013 – S3NANO Winter School, Windsor, UK, poster

2012 – XXXXII “Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, oral presentation

2012 – Quantum Dots 2012 Conference, Santa Fe, USA, poster

2012 – International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics, Phuket, Thailand, poster

2012 – Polish-German Workshop On The Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Münster, Germany, invited oral presentation

2012 – Quantum Transport Group Seminar, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, 2012, invited oral presentation

2011 – Trends in Nanotechnology 2012, Tenerife, Spain, oral presentation

2011 – Optics of Excitons in Confined System (OECS12), Paris, France, poster

2011 - Welcome Scientific Meeting, Toruń, 2011, oral presentation/organizing committee member

2011 – Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-18), Tallahassee, USA, poster

2011 – XXXX “Jaszowiec” International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, poster

2011 – Polish-German Workshop On The Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Wrocław, Poland, oral presentation

2010 – IX Girona Seminar, Girona, Spain, invited oral presentation

2010 – XXXIX International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, “Jaszowiec” Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, oral presentation

2010 – Quantum Dots 2010 Conference Nottingham, UK, poster

2010 – Solid State Physics Seminar (Warsaw University), invited oral presentation

2009 – Canada-Poland-Japan Symposium on Semiconductor, Magnetic and Photonic Nanostructures, Wrocław, invited oral presentation

2009 – OECS 11 (International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems) 2009, Madrid, Spain, poster

2009 – XXXVII International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, “Jaszowiec” 2009, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, poster

2009 – Seminar at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, invited oral presentation

2008 – CECAM Workshop: Computational approaches to semiconductor, carbon and magnetic nanostructures, Lyon, France

2008 – CIFAR-PITP International Summer School on Numerical Methods, Sherbrooke, Canada

2008 – APS March Meeting 2008, New Orleans, USA, oral presentation

2007 – Thirteenth Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Montreal, Canada, invited oral presentation

2007 – Workshop on “Optical properties of Low-Dimensional Systems”, Ottawa, Canada, organizing committee member

2007 - HPCVL Workshop on OpenMP and MPI, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada

2007 - CIFAR Nanoelectronics Summer School, Vancouver, Canada

2006 - CIAR Meeting: Nanoelectronics, Banff, Canada, poster

2005 - Professor Brian G Wybourne Commemorative Meeting: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and Schur, organizing committee member

2005 - XXXIV International School on the Physics of Semiconductor Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland, poster

2004 - Ogólnopolskie warsztaty naukowe, Optyka i Informatyka Kwantowa, Toruń, Poland,

2004 - XXXIII International School on the Physics of Semiconductor Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland, poster

2004 - QD2004, Quantum Dots Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, poster

2004 - 1st International Symposium Crypthography and Quantum Information, Wrocław/Karpacz, Polska

2003 - Maria Stęślicka Memorial Symposium Wroclaw, Poland, invited oral presentation

2003 - Sixth Seminar Bachotek, Nanostructures: Research and Application, Bachotek, Poland, invited oral presentation

2002 - XVII International Conference for Physics Students, Budapest, Hungary, oral presentation

2001 - XVI International Conference for Physics Students, Dublin, Ireland, poster

2001 - XXX International School on the Physics of Semiconductor Compounds, Jaszowiec, Poland, poster

2001 - Fifth Seminar Bachotek, Nanostructures: Research and Application, Bachotek, Poland, poster

1999 - XIV International Conference for Physics Students, Helsinki, Finland, oral presentation




• Many-body effects in nanostructures/Efekty wielociałowe w nanostrukturach (monographic lecture)

• Fundamentals of Physics/Podstawy Fizyki (lecture and classes)

• Parallel and distributed programming/Programowanie równoległe i rozproszone (lecture and labs)

• Fundamentals of computer programming/Podstawy programowania (lecture)

• Methods of simulations in nanostructures/Metody Symulacji w Nanostrukturach (co-lecturer; lecture and labs)

• CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture; co-lecturer; lecture and labs)

• Advanced C++ programming/Zaawansowane programowanie w języku C++ (computer course)

• Discreet mathematics/Matematyka dyskretna (classes)

• Programming and numerical methods/Programowanie i metody numeryczne (labs)

• Unix and Internet/Kurs Unix i Internet (labs)

• Principals of structural programming/Zasady programowania strukturalnego (labs)

• Applications of computers in physics/Zastosowania komputerów w fizyce (co-lecturer; lecture)

• Previous classes included as well: quantum mechanics, mathematical methods in physics and numerical methods


Research Fields


·       Electronic structure and optical properties of quantum dots and quantum wires

·       Many-body interactions in nanosystems

·       AI in physics

·       Dopant-based nanostructures (single, double and multiple dopant arrays)

·       Excitonic fine structure

·       Strain and piezoelectric effects in semiconductor quantum dots and nanocrystals

·       3D interactive computer graphics applications in nanostructure physics


Computer languages and skills


        C/C++, OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, Python, Keras/Tensorflow, OpenGL, in the past: SDL, DirectX, Pascal, Fortran




J. Matulewski, S. Orłowski, M. Zieliński, Delphi 2005. 303 gotowe rozwiązania (Delphi 2005. 303 ready solutions)
Wydawnictwo Helion, 2005 (ISBN: 83-7361-923-2)




58. M. Zieliński

Double nanowire quantum dots and machine learning

Sci. Rep. 15, 5939 (2025)


57. P. Różański, G. W. Bryant, and M. Zieliński

Challenges to extracting spatial information about double P dopants in Si from STM images

Sci. Rep. 14, 18062 (2024)


56. Maicol A. Ochoa, Keyi Liu, M. Zieliński, and G. Bryant

Single-electron states of phosphorus-atom arrays in silicon

Phys. Rev. B 109, 205412 (2024)


55. J. Płachta, M. Zieliński, T. Kazimierczuk, P. Kossacki, and P. Wojnar

Quantum confinement in optically active ultrathin (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mg)Te core/shell nanowires

Phys. Rev. B 107, 075305 (2023)


54. P. Różański, and M. Zieliński

Exploiting underlying crystal lattice for efficient computation of Coulomb matrix elements in multi-million atoms nanostructures

Comput. Phys. Commun. 287, 108693 (2023)


53. P. Różański, G. W. Bryant, and M. Zieliński

Scanning tunneling microscopy of buried dopants in silicon: images and their uncertainties

npj Comput. Mater. 8, 182 (2022).


52. M. Gawełczyk, and M. Zieliński

Bardeen’s tunneling theory applied to intraorbital and interorbital hopping integrals between dopants in silicon

Phys. Rev. B B 106, 115426 (2022)


51. M. Patera, and M. Zieliński

Antibonding ground states in crystal phase quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 106, L041405 (2022) (Letter/Editors’ Suggestion)


50. M. Patera, and M. Zieliński

Crystal feld splitting and spontaneous polarization in InP crystal phase quantum dots

Sci. Rep. 12,15561 (2022)


49. M. Świderski, and M. Zieliński

Electric-field control of exciton fine structure in alloyed nanowire quantum dot molecules

Phys. Rev. B 104, 195411 (2021)


48. M. Zieliński

Dark-bright excitons mixing in alloyed InGaAs self-assembled quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 103, 155418 (2021)


47. M. Zieliński

Fine structure of dark and bright excitons in vertical electric fields: Atomistic theory of alloyed

self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 102, 245423 (2020)


46. K. Gawarecki, and M. Zieliński

Electron gfactor in nanostructures: continuum media and atomistic approach

Sci. Rep10, 22001 (2020)


45. M. Zieliński

Vanishing fine structure splitting in highly asymmetric InAs/InP quantum dots without wetting layer

Sci. Rep10, 13542 (2020).


44. M. Zieliński

Excitonic complexes in InAs/InP nanowire quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 101, 195302 (2020)


43. M. Świderski, and M. Zieliński

Electric field tuning of excitonic fine-structure splitting in asymmetric InAs/InP nanowire quantum dot molecules

Phys. Rev. B 100, 235417 (2019)


42. K. Gawarecki, and M. Zieliński

Importance of second-order deformation potentials in modeling of InAs/GaAs nanostructures

Phys. Rev. B 100, 155409 (2019)


41. M. Zieliński

Spectra of dark and bright excitons in alloyed nanowire quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 100, 045309 (2019)


40. M. Zieliński

From quantum dots to quantum dashes: Excitonic spectra of highly elongated InAs/InP nanostructures

Phys. Rev. B 99, 205402 (2019)


39. P. T. Różański, and M. Zieliński

Efficient computation of Coulomb and exchange integrals for multi-million atom nanostructures

Comput. Phys. Commun. 238, 254 (2019)


38. M. Świderski, and M. Zieliński

Atomistic theory of excitonic fine structure in InAs/InP nanowire quantum dot molecules

Phys. Rev. B 95, 125407 (2017)


37. M. B. Bavinck, K. D. Jöns, M. Zieliński, G. Patriarche, J.-Ch. Harmand, N. Akopian, and V. Zwiller

Photon Cascade from a Single Crystal Phase Nanowire Quantum Dot

Nano Lett. 2016, 16, 1081 (2016)


36. P. T. Różański and M. Zieliński

Linear scaling approach for atomistic calculation of excitonic properties of 10-million-atom nanostructures

Phys. Rev. B 94, 045440 (2016)


35. M. Świderski, and M. Zieliński

Exact Diagonalization Approach for Atomistic Calculation of Piezoelectric Eects in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Acta Phys. Pol. A 129, 79 (2016)


34. P. Mrowiński, M. Zieliński, M. Świderski, J. Misiewicz, A. Somers, J. P. Reithmaier, S. Hofling, and G. Sęk

Excitonic fine structure and binding energies of excitonic complexes in single InAs quantum dashes

Phys. Rev. B 94, 115434 (2016)


33. I. Schwartz, D. Cogan, E. R. Schmidgall, L. Gantz, Y. Don, M. Zieliński, and D. Gershoni

Deterministic coherent writing of a long-lived semiconductor spin qubit using one ultrafast optical pulse

Phys. Rev. B 92, 201201(R) (2015)


32. M. Zieliński, K. Gołasa, M. R. Molas, M. Goryca, T. Kazimierczuk, T. Smoleński, A. Golnik, P. Kossacki, A.A.L. Nicolet, M. Potemski, Z. R. Wasilewski, and A. Babiński

Excitonic complexes in natural InAs/GaAs quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 91, 085303 (2015)


31. M. Zieliński, Y. Don, D. Gershoni

Atomistic theory of dark excitons in self-assembled quantum dots of reduced symmetry

Phys. Rev. B 91, 085403 (2015)


30. I. Schwartz, E. R. Schmidgall, L. Gantz, D. Cogan, E. Bordo, Y. Don, M. Zieliński, and D. Gershoni

Deterministic Writing and Control of the Dark Exciton Spin Using Single Short Optical Pulses

Phys. Rev. X 5, 011009 (2015)


29. F. Delgado, S. Loth, M. Zieliński, and J. Fernandez-Rossier,

The emergence of classical behaviour in magnetic adatoms

EPL (Europhysics Letters), 109, 57001 (2015)


28. P. Wojnar, M. Zieliński, E. Janik, W. Zaleszczyk, T. Wojciechowski, R. Wojnar, M. Szymura, Ł. Kłopotowski, L. T. Baczewski, A. Pietruchik, M. Wiater, S. Kret, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz and J. Kossut

Strain-induced energy gap variation in ZnTe/ZnMgTe core/shell nanowires

Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 163111 (2014)


27. M. Zieliński

Excitonic fine structure of elongated InAs/InP quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 88, 155319 (2013)


26. M. Zieliński

Valence band offset, strain and shape effects on confined states in self-assembled InAs/InP and InAs/GaAs quantum dots

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 25, 465301 (2013)


25. M. Zieliński

Fine structure of light-hole excitons in nanowire quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 88, 115424 (2013)


24.  M. B. Bavinck, M. Zieliński, B. Witek, T. Zehender, E. Bakkers, V. Zwiller

Controlling a Nanowire Quantum Dot Bandgap Using a Straining Dielectric Envelope

Nano Lett. 12, 6202 (2012)


23. M. Zieliński

Including strain in atomistic tight-binding Hamiltonians: An application to self-assembled InAs/GaAs and InAs/InP quantum dots

Phys. Rev. B 86, 115424 (2012)


22. M. Zieliński

Influence of substrate orientation on exciton fine structure splitting of InAs/InP nanowire quantum dots

Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:265


21. M.Zieliński

Multi-Scale Simulations of Semiconductor Nanostructures,

Acta Phys. Pol. A, 122, 312 (2012)


20. E. S. Kadantsev, M. Zieliński, and P. Hawrylak

Band engineering in nanowires: Ab initio model of band edges modified by (111) biaxial strain in group IIIA-VA semiconductors

Phys. Rev. B 86, 085411 (2012)


19. M. Chwastyk, P. Różański, and M.Zieliński,

Atomistic Calculation of Coulomb Interactions in Semiconductor Nanocrystals:

Role of Surface Passivation and Composition Details,

Acta Phys. Pol. A, 122, 324 (2012)


18. W. D. Sheng, M. Korkusinski, A. D. Guclu, M. Zieliński, P. Potasz, E. Kadantsev, O. Voznyy, and P. Hawrylak

Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor and graphene quantum dots

Frontiers of Physics, 7, 328 (2012)


17. G.W. Bryant, M. Zieliński, Natalia Malkova, J. Sims, W. Jaskolski, and J. Aizpurua

Controlling the optics of quantum dots with nanomechanical strain

Phys. Rev. B., 84, 235412 (2011)


16. G.W. Bryant, M. Zieliński, Natalia Malkova, J. Sims, W. Jaskolski, and J. Aizpurua

Effect of mechanical strain on the optical properties of quantum dots: Controlling exciton shape, orientation, and phase with a mechanical strain

Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 067404 (2010)


15. E. S. Kadantsev, M. Zieliński, M. Korkusinski, and P. Hawrylak

Ab initio calculation of band edges modified by (001) biaxial strain in group IIIA-VA and group IIB-VIA semiconductors:

Application to quasi-particle energy levels of strained InAs/InP quantum dot

J. Appl. Phys. 107, 104315 (2010)


14. M. Zieliński, M. Korkusinski, and P. Hawrylak

Atomistic tight-binding theory of multi-exciton complexes in a self-assembled InAs quantum dot

Phys. Rev. B., 81, 085301 (2010)


13. M. Korkusinski, M. Zieliński, and P. Hawrylak

Multiexciton complexes in InAs self-assembled quantum dots

J. Appl. Phys. 105, 122406 (2009)


12. M. Korkusinski, P. Hawrylak, M. Zieliński, W. Sheng, G. Klimeck
Building semiconductor nanostructures atom by atom
Microelectronics Journal, 39, 318 (2008)


11. J.G. Diaz, G.W. Bryant, W. Jaskólski, and M. Zieliński
Theory of InP nanocrystals under pressure
Rev. B 75, 245433 (2007)


10. W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński, G.W. Bryant, J. Aizpurua
Strain effects on the electronic structure of strongly coupled self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots: Tight-binding approach
Rev. B 74, 195339 (2006)


9. J. Diaz, M. Zieliński, W. Jaskólski, G.W. Bryant
Tight-binding theory of ZnS/CdS nanoheterostructures. The role of strain and d orbitals
Phys. Rev. B 74, 205309, (2006)


8. J. Diaz, W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński and G.W. Bryant
Pressure-induced optoelectronic properties of InP nanocrystals: Tight-binding approach
phys. stat. sol.
(c) 3, No. 11, 3832-3835, (2006)


7. M. Zieliński, W. Jaskólski, J. Aizpurua, and Garnett W. Bryant

Strain and spin-orbit effects in self-assembled quantum dots

Acta Physica Polonica A 108, 929, (2005). 


6. W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński, A. Stróżecka, G.W. Bryant, J. Aizpurua

Quantum Dot Molecules And Chains, Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and Frontiers,

B. A. Joyce, P.C. Kelires, A. G. Naumovets, and D. D. Vvedensky (Eds.); NATO Science Series II, Vol. 190, pp. 257-268 (Kluwer, Dordrecht 2005).


5. W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński and G.W. Bryant
Coupling and Strain Effects in Vertically Stacked Double InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots: Tight Binding Approach,

Acta Physica Polonica A 106, 193 (2004)


4. A. Stróżecka, W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński, G.W. Bryant
Stark effect in semiconductor nanocrystals: Tight-binding approach
Vacuum 74, 259 (2004)


3. W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński, G.W. Bryant

Electronic properties of quantum-dot molecules and solids

Physica E 17, 40 (2003)


2. G.W. Bryant, J. Aizpurua, W. Jaskólski, M. Zieliński
Tunnel-Coupled Quantum Dots: Atomistic Theory of Quantum Dot Molecules and Arrays

Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 737, 12 (2002)


1. W. Jaskólski, G. W. Bryant, J. Planelles, M. Zieliński

Artificial molecules

Int. J. Quantum Chem. 90, 1075 (2002)