Jacek Matulewski
Scientific projects - Presentations

  1. Title: Electron wavefunction in strong and ultra-strong laser field. One- and two-dimensional ab initio simulations and models

  2. Title: Coherent model of charge transport in DNA.
    Abstract: Result for electron hopping transport along the DNA chain studied theoretically by a straightforward numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation will be presented. Results are given for the hole transition rates between two guanine bases bridged by sequences of the adenine-thymine bases with various lengths. Two models will be considered: one - with time-independent chain structure and the other one – with positions of bases on the bridge oscillating with time. Only the latter model is consistent with experimental data. The problem of the incoherence in the hopping transport mechanism will be discussed.

  3. Title: Phononless Conductivity in a Coulomb Glass.
    Abstract: Hopping electric conductivity of a disordered system (Si:P) with localised states is investigated in different frequencies by direct numerical simulations taking into account the Coulomb interaction. At sufficiently low temperatures, the conductivity is determined by the zero-phonon absorption of photon by pairs of states, which we are focused on. Shape of the single-particle DOS near the Fermi level is examined due to check the Efros and Shklovskii model of Coulomb Glass as well as the conductivity and pair-distribution for small frequencies which was recently measured by Helgren et. al. Basing on numerical results we determine the localisation range for different systems.

  4. Title: Coulomb glass. Computer simulations (the dynamics of the CG, the glass transition in CG).