Search Engines and Internet Info Sources, collected by Wlodzislaw Duch - not maintained since a long time!

Audio | Books | Dictionaries | Encyclopedia | FAQ | Financial | Gates | Guides | Hotels | Maps, plans | Museums | News, journals | Other useful info | People | [Question/Answers | Science | Shops | Software | Travel | Weather | Work, Jobs |

Wikipedia list of search engines.

In Poland (w Polsce)

Search special topics

Hotels: EasyGo | Wszystkie w Polsce | Hotele w Polsce | lista Travel Poland | z przewodnikia Pascal | hotele Orbis | sieć Syrena w Warszawie | Go Poland | Hotels + Travel | Hotels Poland | Poland 4U! |
People: | Polskie Książki Telefoniczne | X.500 wg. krajów | Switchboard | Knowx - Ultimate People Finder | Four11 White Page Directory | International White and Yellow Pages | Yellow and White Pages of the World | IAF (Interent Address Finder) | PEERS | EurOne (White and Yellow Europe pages) | AnyWho |
WhoWhere (people, apartments, jobs ...) | KnowX (ludzie, bizness records) |
SMS Gates: Era GSM | Plus GSM | Idea |
Software: | Polskie archiwa: TuCows | Drivers Guide | WinDrivers | Softpedia | Inne: WUGNET & MS | | Download32 | Filemine | | Jumbo | Pass the Shareware | PCWin | | Slaughterhouse | Softseek | | Webware best | ZDNet Software Library | | Computational Intelligence Software
Search FAQ: Internet FAQ Archives | FAQs - Internet Answers Collection | Usnet entry |

News & Info

Main services: Polska Agencja Prasowa | Wiadomości | Onet | WP news | ABC News | BBC News | CBC News | CBS News | CNN News | Fox News | Google News | MSN News | NBC News | NPR News | Reuters News | Yahoo News | NewsPage | Wired | NewsHub | Ananova UK News |
Technology and Computers: Chip Newsroom | IDG - PCWorld Komputer | PCKurier News | | ZDNet | CNET.COM | Toms Hardware | CoolTech Zone | Winmag | Sharkyextreme (hard/soft) | TechWeb | The Nando Times | RCF of Computing | |
Science news: Scitech Daily | Nature Science Update | The Scientist | Science Daily | HMS Beagle BioNews | Biological Psychology News | InScight | ScienceNOW | Scientific American News | EurekAlert | Helios Science News | BrainLand | Exploration Network (Discovery) | CNN Science News | Science and Consciousness | Dziennik Internetowy PAP - Nauka | EE Times (Technology) | Tomorrow's Technology Today | Extreme Tech |
Original sources: Newswise | Quadnet | EurekaAlert | NSF | NASA |


Audio: Muzyka | Style muzyczne | Radio, RealAudio | MIDI Audio links | Music Plasma |
Encyclopedia: (search many) | Britannica | Astronomy | Chemistry | Glottopedia (linguistics) | Maritime History | Mathematics | Planet Math | Music | Physics |
CALT Encyclopedia (Edu, Econo, IT, Media, Health ...) | Encyberpedia (dictionaries, glossaries) | Infoplease (almanachy) | Encyclopedia Mythica | Nationmaster (dobre statystyki) | Electric Library Encyclopedia | Microsoft Encarta | PC Webopedia (Computer Technology) | Routledge Encyclopedia | Wikipedia | free dictionary encyclopedia | TurorGig (tutoriale) |
Wielka Multimedialna Encyklopedia Internetowa (Fogra) | Spis encyklopedii i słowników | Encyklopedia Internetu | Wikipedia Pl | Słownik wyrazów obcych Kopalińskiego |
Financial: Kursy walut NBP | Bankier (akcje i kursy walut) | Yahoo | Freegk, currency+time+map | Financial Glossary |
Books: AddAll Book Search | Bookfinder | Internet Book Info Center | main publishers | all publishers (AcqWeb) | Amazon Books | książki i wydawnictwa w Polsce | Project Gutenberg - tysiące darmowych książek | kopia tutaj | Biblioteka WW School | Safari Books online | Online Medieval and Classical Library || College Textbooks
Maps and plans: Google Earth | MSN Virtual World | Mapquest | Mapmart | PCL Map Collection | Pilot - Polska | Mapa Polska | Mapy miejscowości | Europa | YourPortal list | Terraserver - 4TB map! | Interaktywny Atlas Świata | Virtual tourist world maps | Travel Excite | TownNet | | Europe Online | USA/Kanada, mapy do wyboru | Map24, odległości | Map24 Polska | Wikimapia |
Museums: Web Museum (Sunsite) | CGFA (Sunsite) |
Science: SciEd (Science Education Res.) | Lernativity | Science Net | Glossaries & Dictionaries | Inst. for Scientific Information (current contents, science citation index) | Impact Factors | Medline Info | Biomed Research Tools | The Scientific World (articles 1965-now) | Cognitive Science | Computers & Software | Computational Physics | Neural Networks |
Forum Akademickie | Nauka w Polsce | Kopalnia Wiedzy | lista z Onet | lista instutucji naukowych (AMU) | lista z | KBN, MIiI | lista grantów KBN | bazy OPI | ludzie nauki OPI | FNP | IEEE PL | 6 FP Ksiega Nauki Polskiej
Work, Jobs: Jobrobot (G) | Biomed jobs (G)
Travelling: PKP - rozkład | Deutsche Bahn Timetable | Warszawa Centralna | Polski express (autobusy) | ZineZone Travel |
Airlines: | GlobalTraveller | Expedia | Travel Overland | | Świat On-line | Wariackie szlaki | Wizy, MSZ |
KLM PL | LOT | Qualiflier | Loty do HK |
Weather: | Polish meto (Sunsite) | pogoda w Onet Yahoo Weather |
Guides, offers: Yahoo Travel, na każdy temat | Argus Clearninghouse | Wakacje |
Dictionaries: Megasłownik | Ling PL | Ling (ang-pl) | Słownik Angielsko - Polski (Onet) | English-Polish Dictionary | Online translation (Babylon) | Translate PL | Translate EN-PL i inne | Wikislownik | Ectaco: PL - G, F | Lexitools, AN-PL | Lingo Z | wyrazów obcych | One Look (870 dictionaries) | Philosophy Dictionaries | Religion Dictionaries | English-English Dictionaries | SJP, Polski |
Visual Thesaurus | Visual Dictionary (GrokItBetter) | Visual Wikipedia | Visual search tools | Free Thesaurus
400 On-line Dictionaries | Word reference | Roget's Thesaurus | Roget's Thesaurus - from Project Gutenberg | The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus | Synonym/antonym Dictionary of English | Webster's Unabridged 1913 | Lepizig Wortschatz (G, E, F, D) | Eurodicautom (transl. in 8 languages) | Onet - słowniki | Free dictionary (with voice) + Columbia + Wikipedia | Słownik online (25 bilingual dictionaries)
Use Wordnet | WordNet On-line (English synonyms & more) | WWWebster Thesaurus | WordNet extended (Japan) | WordNet PL (słowosieć) |
Shops in Poland (Sklepy w Polsce): Zakupin (lista) | ToTu (wszystko) | Onet - zakupy | FF Computer | HBZ | Aukcja | aukcje na żywo | Gratka - ogłoszenia | Dłuższa lista |
Shops - international: Computer Shopper | | Dłuższa lista |

Other interesting reference info:

World 1000 most popular sites | Hot 100 sites | Best of the Planet (nagrody)
Ambasady - lista: Australii | Estonii | Izraela | Irlandii | Japonii | Peru | Szwecji | USA | W. Brytanii |
Acronim finder, szukaj akronimów |, jak zrobić, o wszystkim! | Astalavista, hakers info |
Calendars (Web Exhibits) | CMC Information Sources (ludzie, organizacje, forum, kultura, edukacja ...) | CIA World Facts | World Facts Book |
Computer Almanach, all about computers | Computing Reviews |
Deja News - Internet Newsgroups
Education World - educational cataloged subjects | E-długi | Electric Library - szukaj w pismach, książkach, mapach, doniesieniach agencyjnych ...
Electronics guide - nowości ze świata urządzeń elektronicznych.
Electricity around the world - napięcia, wtyczki ...
E-opinions, oceny wszystkiego | Fedex PL | Freebees, czyli darmocha |
Główny Urząd Statystyczny | Gratis - Wszystko za darmo |
Polskie kabarety |
Industry standards, parts, companies | Infonation, info statystyczne o krajach ONZ | Internet Technology, hardware & software | International Organizations (ogromna lista)
Kultura w Polsce | Kody pocztowe
Mailsurf i inne usługi | Museum of hoaxes, czyli muzeum wygłupów |
Netguide - all subjects, from CMP Net | NetMind Services - remainders about changes on WWW pages etc
OBOP, badanie opinii publicznej | Open Kontakt B2B |
Penn Library Internet Resources |
Telefony: Polskie Książki Telefoniczne - zakupy | GlobalTell cheap callback from Poland | Call Calculator 50+ countries |
Primum Non Nocere (skrzywdzeni pacjenci) |
Przetargi e-biz |
Questia - world's largest e-library | Quotations Page
Rate it all| Refund me (airline claims) | Review finder | Ruch ofiar księży pedofili
Search Engine Watch | Serio PL (usługi, produkty) | Service manuals database (manuale) | Sizes, units, time ... (all qunatifiable things) | (anty-spam) | Stowarzyszenie Pacjentów Primum Non Nocere | Stypendia do róznych krajów | Symbole używane na świecie | System metryczny - US, konwersja
TeleMagazyn | Top Ten | Transfer Big Files |
Urban Myth Reference Pages | Urban Legends | Uncover - get any article by fax! |
Wayback, internet archive > 100 TB! + other archives |
WebFestiwal, nagrodzone witryny PL |
Virtual Library | Geneva mirror | Virtual Reference Desk: reference info, search, news, ask experts

Last update (Ostatnia aktualizacja) 28.08.2010, Wlodzislaw Duch; my homepage