List of participants and contribution titles

  1. Shigeo Akashi (Tokyo, Japan):  Topological classification of the set of all expansive dynamical systems on totally disconnected compact metric spaces
  2. Daniel Alsina (Barcelona, Spain):  An operational approach to Bell inequalities:  application to qutrits
  3. Remigiusz Augusiak (Warszawa, Poland):  Energy as a detector of nonlocality in many-body systems
  4. Giuseppe Baio (Palermo, Italy):  Bounds on bipartite entanglement from marginal measures
  5. Michał Białończyk (Kraków, Poland):  Spectral properties of quantum operations - algebraic methods
  6. Paweł Caban (Łódź, Poland) 
  7. Dariusz Chruściński (Toruń, Poland) 
  8. Barbara Ciesielska (Kraków, Poland) 
  9. Artur Czerwiński (Toruń, Poland):  Applications of the Fedorov theorem to quantum tomography
  10. Anita Dąbrowska (Bydgoszcz, Poland):  Quantum filtering for environment in single photon state
  11. Andrzej Grudka (Poznań, Poland):  Uncertainty relations based on conditional majorization
  12. Paweł Horodecki (Gdańsk, Poland):  Quantum state independent contextuality can improve 1-way communication
  13. Andrzej Jamiołkowski (Toruń, Poland) 
  14. Jacek Jurkowski (Toruń, Poland) 
  15. Takeo Kamizawa (Toruń, Poland):  An effective criterion for the decoherence-free subspaces
  16. Michał Kamoń (Gdańsk, Poland):  Games and monogamy in the relativistically causal correlations
  17. Andrzej Kossakowski (Toruń, Poland) 
  18. Justyna Łodyga (Poznań, Poland):  Measurement uncertainty from no-signaling and non-locality
  19. Jan Maćkowiak (Toruń, Poland) 
  20. Antonio Mandarino (Warszawa, Poland):  Long time behavior of nonlocal quantum gates
  21. Takashi Matsuoka (Suwa, Japan):  Mutual entropy on quantum encoding
  22. Antonino Messina (Palermo, Italy):  Quantum dynamics of two coupled spins under controllable and fluctuating magnetic fields
  23. Miłosz Michalski (Toruń, Poland) 
  24. Piotr Mironowicz (Gdańsk, Poland):  Quaestiones disputatae de observatione
  25. Marek Mozrzymas (Wrocław, Poland):  Structure of irreducibly covariant quantum channels for finite groups
  26. Ryszard Mrugała (Toruń, Poland) 
  27. Jan Naudts (Antwerpen, Belgium):  Recent progress in reducible QED
  28. Mateusz Ostaszewski (Gliwice, Poland):  Spontaneous moralization problem in quantum stochastic walk
  29. Marcin Ostrwoski (Łódź, Poland):  Simulation of quantum resonance in a quantum register
  30. Łukasz Pawela (Gliwice, Poland):  Asymptotic properties of quantum states and channels
  31. Jakub Rembieliński (Łódź, Poland) 
  32. Gniewko Sarbicki (Toruń, Poland):  Interaction independent quantum probing
  33. Adam Sawicki (Warszawa, Poalnd:  Asymptotic properties of entanglement polytopes for large number of qubits and RMT
  34. Luigi Seveso (Milan, Italy) 
  35. Geoffrey Sewell (London, UK):  A new formulation of space-time operations in quantum theory
  36. Katarzyna Siudzińska (Toruń, Poland):  Quantum semi-Markov evolution for the generalized Pauli channels
  37. Anna Szymusiak (Kraków, Poland):  Entropy, special geometric configurations in the quantum state space and combinatorial designs
  38. Noboru Watanabe (Tokyo, Japan):  On Transmitted Complexity for Quantum Dynamical Systems
  39. Marcin Wieśniak (Gdańsk, Poland):  Subadditivity of violation of geometrical Bell inequalities for qudits
  40. Stephan Weis (Bruxelles, Belgium):  On Lattices of Ground Spaces
  41. Ryszard Wojnar (Warszawa, Poland):  Thermodynamics of random walk
  42. Karol Życzkowski (Kraków, Poland):  Quantum entanglement, quantum orthogonal arrays and quantum Latin squares