Guests of honour

Prof. Vittorio Gorini (Insubria Como):  Exoplanets
Prof. Andrzej Kossakowski (Toruń): 
Prof. George Sudarshan (Austin, TX):  Stochastic Evolution of Dynamical Systems

List of speakers

  1. L. Accardi (Rome):  The first 40 years of GKSL generators
  2. G. Adesso (Nottingham):  Should entanglement measures be monogamous or faithful?
  3. V. Albert (New Heaven, CT):  Geometry and response of Lindbladians
  4. R. Alicki (Gdańsk):  From GKLS equations to theory of solar cells
  5. P. Aniello (Napoli):  Twirling Semigroups and Variations on the Theme
  6. F. Benatti (Trieste):  Physics of complete positivity
  7. I. Bengtsson (Stockholm):  SIC-POVMS — where do the numbers come from?
  8. H.-P. Breuer (Freiburg):  Non-Markovian quantum dynamics of open systems
  9. D. Burgarth (Aberystwyth):  Dynamical Decoupling of Quantum Noise
  10. D. Chruściński (Toruń):  A brief history of GKSL master equation
  11. G.M. D'Ariano (Pavia):  Quantum Theory is an Information Theory
  12. N. Datta (Cambridge):  Contractivity properties of a quantum diffusion semigroup
  13. L. Diosi (Budapest):  Pauli-LKGS hybrid master equations
  14. J. Eisert (Berlin):  Revisiting Markovianity
  15. P. Facchi (Bari):  Universal quantum computing from local dissipation
  16. F. Fagnola (Milano):  Structure of norm-continuous quantum Markov (dynamical) semigroups
  17. A. Grudka (Poznań):  From nonlocal correlations to uncertainty principle
  18. B. Hiesmayr (Vienna):  The G-K-L-S master equation at high energies
  19. S. Huelga (Ulm):  Quantum metrology in open quantum systems
  20. G. Kimura (Tokyo):  Information gain and storage in General Probabilistic Theories
  21. Ch. Kropf (Freiburg):  Master equation for the ensemble averaged dynamics of disordered quantum systems
  22. M. Kuś (Warsaw):  Remarks on Contractions of Lie-Jordan Algebras
  23. R. Lo Franco (Palermo):  A new approach to the quantum entanglement for identical particles
  24. Ch. Macchiavello (Pavia):  Efficient detection of quantum channel capacities
  25. S. Maniscalco (Turku):  Three new ideas about reservoir engineering (and their applications to practically everything)
  26. G. Marmo (Napoli):  The Kossakowski-Lindblad Vector Field on the Space of States
  27. K. Modi (Clayton):  Full and efficient characterisation of non-Markovian quantum processes
  28. M. Palma (Palermo):  Collision model of non markovian dynamics
  29. S. Pascazio (Bari):  Dynamical Observables in Dissipative Quantum Systems
  30. F. Petruccione (Durban):  From Open Quantum Walks to Open Quantum Brownian motion
  31. J. Piilo (Turku):  Beyond GKSL master equation: randomness, quantifying, applying
  32. S. Rana (Barcelona):  Sufficient separability criteria: From some linear maps and for some symmetric states
  33. C.A. Rodriguez-Rosario (Bremen):  Thermodynamics of Quantum Coherences
  34. W. Strunz (Dresden):  Open Quantum System Dynamics from a Total State Point of View
  35. B. Vacchini (Milano):   Non-Markovian quantum evolutions
  36. N. Watanabe (Tokyo):  On Complexity for Open Quantum Systems
  37. R. Werner (Hannover):  Unbounded generators of dynamical semigroups

Poster contributors and other participants

  1. G. Baio (Toruń, Palermo)
  2. G. Bhamathi (Austin, TX)
  3. M. Białończyk (Cracow):  Spectral properties of quantum channels - a glimpse from algebraic point of view
  4. B. Bylicka (Barcelona):  On the equivalence between completely-positive-divisibility and information flow
  5. P. Caban (Łódź):  The activation of the violation of Svetlichny inequality in the GHZ states (with A. Molenda)
  6. J. Carinena (Zaragoza)
  7. J. Cembrzyńska (Toruń)
  8. A. Czerwiński (Toruń):  Dynamic Quantum Tomography Model for Systems with Pure Decoherence
  9. A. Dąbrowska (Bydgoszcz):  Quantum filtering for systems driven by fields in non-classical states
  10. P. Musumbu Dibwe (Warsaw):  Probing the eigenstates thermalization hypothesis with many-particle quantum walks on lattice.
  11. J. Domsta (Elbląg):  Semi-stochastic unitary matrices
  12. S. Filippov (Moscow):  Non-linear dynamics induced by successive rank-r selective measurements (with I. Luchnikov)
  13. K. Furusho (Tokyo):  An Amplification Process in Quantum Algorithm described by the GKSL Master Equation (with S. Iriyama)
  14. R. Grimaudo (Palermo):  Exactly solvable model of two coupled spin-1 systems
  15. G. Guarnieri (Milano):  Energy Backflow Measure in non-Markovian Open Quantum Systems
  16. P. Horodecki (Gdańsk)
  17. S. Iriyama (Tokyo):  An Amplification Process in Quantum Algorithm described by the GKSL Master Equation (with K. Furusho)
  18. A. Isar (Bucharest):  Markovian dynamics of quantum correlations in two-mode Gaussian open systems
  19. A. Jamiołkowski (Toruń)
  20. J. Jurkowski (Toruń)
  21. T. Kamizawa (Toruń):  Effective Method for the Solutions of Functionally Commutative Open Quantum Systems
  22. K. Karnas (Warsaw):  Criterions for quantum gates universality
  23. E. Kaszewska (Toruń)
  24. J. Korbicz (Gdańsk):  Information transfer in Quantum Brownian Motion (with J. Tuziemski)
  25. M. Kosik (Toruń)
  26. A. Lampo (Barcelona):  Bose Polaron as an Instance of Quantum Brownian Motion
  27. I. Luchnikov (Moscow):  Non-linear dynamics induced by successive rank-r selective measurements (with S. Filippov)
  28. J. Maćkowiak (Toruń)
  29. M. Markiewicz (Cracow):  Three-dimensional visualisation of a qutrit
  30. N. Megier (Dresden):  Entanglement of an open quantum system with its Markovian environment
  31. A. Messina (Palermo):  Time-dependent exactly solvable models of two coupled spin-1/2
  32. M. Michalski (Toruń)
  33. T. Mihaescu (Bucharest):  Gaussian Quantum Steering of Two Bosonic Modes in a Thermal Environment (with A. Isar)
  34. P. Mironowicz (Gdańsk):  Monitoring of the process of system information broadcasting in time
  35. A. Molenda (Łódź):  The activation of the violation of Svetlichny inequality in the GHZ states (with P. Caban)
  36. R. Mrugała (Toruń)
  37. M. Ostrowski (Łódź):  Quantum Simulation of two interacting Schrodinger particles
  38. Ł. Pawela (Gliwice):  Asymptotic distances of random quantum states and random quantum channels
  39. F.A. Pollock (Melbourne):  An Operational Framework for Non-Markovian Quantum Processes
  40. J. Rembieliński (Łódź)
  41. P. Sadowski (Gliwice):  Lively quantum walks on cycles
  42. G. Sarbicki (Toruń)
  43. K. Simonov (Vienna):  Spontaneous collapse as a solution of the measurement problem and a source of the decay of neutral mesons
  44. K. Słowik (Toruń)
  45. A. Smirne (Ulm):  The role of phase covariant dynamics in quantum metrology
  46. K. Siudzińska (Toruń):  Markovianity of the generalized Pauli channels
  47. S. Suciu (Bucharest):  Quantum coherence of two-mode systems in a thermal environment
  48. M. Tukiainen (Turku):  Approximate quantum programming
  49. J. Tuziemski (Gdańsk):  Information transfer in Quantum Brownian Motion (with J. Korbicz)
  50. M. Walschaers (Freiburg):  Optimal Currents of Indistinguishable Fermions
  51. F. Wudarski (Durban):  Markovian semigroup from non-Markovian evolutions
  52. K. Życzkowski (Cracow)