
The programme comprises 45- or 30-minute plenary invited lectures, 20- or 30-minute short talks grouped into two parallel sessions,  "A"  and  "B",  and  posters.  

Participants planning to use a  computer presentation  (PowerPoint, pdf etc.), are kindly asked to have it ready on a CD or a flash memory stick and give it to the organizers during registration on Sunday, June 4.  We would like to avoid wasting precious time for reconnecting laptops, projectors, and solving technical problems etc. during the sessions.  All presentations will be copied on a single computer in the lecture room and launched from there.

PowerPoint presentations exhibit occasional problems with font incompatibility, it is thus recommended that TrueType fonts be included in ppt files.

Schedule of talks:  Plenary + Session A,   Session B

Plenary invited lectures


Session A  (20-minute talks)


Parallel session B  (30-minute talks)



Posters will be displayed in the corridors surrounding the main conference hall, Sunday through Wednesday. Please, note that there are no separate poster sessions scheduled. Poster space is 110x110 cm soft board. Boards will be numbered as below.

  1. Gerardo Adesso  (DAMTP, Cambridge University):   Entanglement in Gaussian Valence Bond States
  2. Tony J. Apollaro  (University of Calabria):   Dynamics of Entanglement in XY Spin 1/2 Model in Presence of a Defect
  3. Marc Busse  (MPI, Dresden):   Joint contribution with C. Viviescas (see below).
  4. Valerio Cappellini  (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw):   Average G-concurrence of Random Pure States
  5. Agata Chęcinska  (Warsaw University):   Influence of spontaneous emission on qutrit quantum states
  6. Ravindra Witold Chhajlany  (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań):   Entanglement in the frustrated Heisenberg ring
  7. Barbara Gołubowska  (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw):   TBA
  8. Andrzej Grudka  (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań):   TBA
  9. Satoshi Iriyama  (Tokyo University of Science):   On Generalized Quantum Turing Machine and Its Application for the SAT Problem
  10. Igor Kanatchikov (TU Berlin):  TBA
  11. Tokishiro Karasawa  (Tohoku University):   Accuracy Limit of Quantum NOT Gate Induced by Conservation Law
  12. Tien D. Kieu  (Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn):   The Travelling Salesman Problem and Quantum Adiabatic Computation
  13. Gen Kimura  (Tohoku University):   Solution to the Mean King's Problem for Arbitrary Levels
  14. Matthias Kleinmann  (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf):   Purifying and Reversible Physical Maps
  15. Vasyl Kovalchuk  (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw):   TBA
  16. Wiesław Laskowski  (University of Gdańsk):   Detection of N-particle Entanglement with Generalized Bell Inequalities
  17. Agnieszka Martens  (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw):   TBA
  18. Takashi Matsuoka  (Tokyo University of Science):   Multiple Entanglement on a Certain Class of Quantum Markov Chains
  19. Antonio Messina  (University of Palermo):   Entanglement in a Generalized Spin-Star System
  20. Rosanna Migliore  (University of Palermo):   Multipartite Entanglement in Josephson Junction-Based Architectures
  21. Krzysztof Młodawski  (N. Copernicus University, Toruń):   How to Represent Quantum States in Phase Space
  22. Caterina-Eloisa Mora  (IQO&QI, Innsbruck):   Quantum Kolmogorov Complexity
  23. Michael Nathanson  (St. Mary's College of California):   Local Discrimination of Quantum States With and Without Cooperation
  24. Ho-Tsang Ng  (Clarendon Lab, Oxford University):   Entropy and entanglement of 2D Bose-Einstein condensates lattice
  25. Stefania Nicolosi  (Universita di Palermo):   Quantum Computation in a Radio-Single Mode Cavity: the Dissipative Jaynes-Cummings Model
  26. Tomohiro Ogawa  (Japan Science and Technology Agency):   On Reversibility of Quantum Operations and Quantum Secret Sharing Schemes
  27. Ognyan Oreshkov  (University of Southern California):   Differential Conditions for Entanglement Monotones
  28. Eirik Ovrum  (University of Oslo):   Numerical Study of Bound Entanglement
  29. Tomasz Paterek  (University of Gdańsk):   Experimenter's freedom in Bell's theorem and quantum cryptography
  30. Luis Gerardo Pedraza-Saavedra  (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Cali, Cali):   The Spin and Magnetic Moment Unmeasurability of Free Electrons in Quantum Computation and Information
  31. Marco Piani  (University of Gdańsk):   Class of Bound Entangled States Associated to Almost Any Set of More Than Two Pure States
  32. Anatoly Prykarpatsky  (AGH Kraków):   On the Holonomy Group Obstacles to Quantum Computing Algorithms
  33. Katarzyna Roszak  (Technical University of Wrocław):   Decay of Entanglement Due to Pure Dephasing - the Role of the Geometry of Entangled States
  34. Keiko Sato  (Tokyo University of Science):   Code structure of HIV-1
  35. Carlos Viviescas and Marc Busse  (MPI, Dresden):   Unraveling entanglement
  36. Vsievolod Vladimirov  (AGH, Kraków):   On Certain Types of Solutions to Nonlinear Evolutionary PDEs and Methods of Their Description
  37. Noboru Watanabe  (Tokyo University of Science):   A Note on Information Transmission in Quantum Systems
  38. Ryszard Wojnar  (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw):   Diffusion With Time-Dependent Coefficient and With Spatial Convolution
  39. Karol Życzkowski  (Jagiellonian University, Cracow):   A model of the set of N=3 mixed quantum states