Title: Sensorimotor integration

  • Objective: Model experimental data on sensorimotor integration
  • Participants: Włodzisław Duch, Harold Bekkering, Bass Neggers - MPPF group
  • Dates: started in  September 1997 with one month visit to MPPF
  • Result(s): experimental results from MPPF; overall sketch of the brain structures involved is ready; review of literature; working summary of what I have learned has been written.
  • Problems: try to understand experimental results; Michael Arbib promissed to send two PhD thesis related to the subject
  • Working log:
  • Some papers on sensorimotor integration collected;
    Papers by Ch. Anderson from Washington University go in the same direction as I want - replace neurodynamics with PDF estimation.

    Brain Models on the Web - contains some relevant models of the saccade generator and models of various experiments involving eye movements. Use Neural Simulation Language to create such models; extend the saccadic generator model to account for sensorimotor integration.

    Good topic for a PhD - still open !