Title: Approximations to neurodynamics leading to psychological spaces
Objective: Find approximations to the probability
density of spiking activities of neurobiological models or at least recurrent
networks replacing neurodynamics with simnple gradient dynamics and densities
in feature (psychological) spaces
Participants: Włodzisław Duch
Dates: 1996 - present
- Duch W (1994) Floating Gaussian Mapping for Modeling of Human Conceptual
Space (KMK-TR report);
- Duch W (1994) A solution to the fundamental problems of cognitive sciences
(KMK-TR report);
- Duch W (1994) Towards Artificial Minds, in: "First national conference
on neural networks and their applications", Kule, 12-15.IV.1994, pp.
- Duch W (1995) From cognitive models to neurofuzzy systems, in: Proc.
from "System, Modelling, Control''. Zakopane, 1-5.05.1995;
- Duch W (1995) Psychophysics, in: European Summer School on Computing
Techniques in Physics, Skalsky Dvur, 5-14.09.1995 (Lecture Notes);
- Duch W (1996) From cognitive models to neurofuzzy systems - the mind
space approach, Systems Analysis-Modelling-Simulation 24 (1996) 53-65
- Duch W (1996) On simplifying brain functions, Proceedings of the Second
Conference on Neural Networks and their applications, Orle Gniazdo, 30.IV-4.V.1996,
pp. 118-124
- Duch W (1996) Computational physics of the mind, Computer Physics Communications
97: 136-153
- Duch W (1996) Categorization, Prototype Theory and Neural Dynamics,
Proc. of SoftComputing'96, Iizuka, Japan
- Book in preparation: "Kognitywistyka - ujęcie jakościowe"
Construct simple model of recurrent network and how to replace it with
gradient dynamics
Conditions, type of attractors etc under which density approximation
has chances to work
More general: requires new approach to dynamical systems; so far cell
mapping and symbolic dynamics has been investigated.
log (local accsess only)