Few words about the Department of Informatics

Department of Informatics (until October 2001 Department of Computer Methods) is an independent unit within the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, devoted to interdisciplinary research based on computational methods. Created in May 1991, DI currently employs 2 professors, 4 assistant professors, one junior staff member, and one full time lecturer. We also have a number of PhD, MSc and BSc students, mostly with computational physics background.

The main topics of our interest are:

Development of theory and applications of computational intelligence methods, including neural networks, neurofuzzy systems, similarity-based methods, visualization of multidimensional data, automatic knowledge acquisition and data mining.
Artificial intelligence methods and construction of expert systems, with applications to analysis of medical, psychological and technical data, image and text analysis.
Cognitive science, philosophy of mind, theoretical and computational models in neuroscience. Our main goal is to create a unified theory of cognition based on computational models of cognitive systems, in particular approximations to neurodynamical models of the brain functions based on the idea of conceptual spaces.

Computer physics, mathematical description and computer simulation of molecular properties, theoretical molecular spectroscopy, high quality calculations of potential energy surfaces of small polyatomic molecules, analysis of vibrational-rotational states, electron correlation problem, configuration interaction methods, group theory, philosophical problems and history of science; numerical methods; software engineering tools and methods; computer languages; parallel and distributed computing. The main goal of this research is to find better methods for accurate description and analysis of properties of small polyatomic molecules.

DI is currently responsible for the undergraduate program in computer physics, leading to the MSc degree. Our Department collaborates with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science offering MSc program in computational intelligence.