Wybrane skróty klawiszowe Android Studio: WWW: https://developer.android.com/studio/intro/keyboard-shortcuts.html Uruchamianie Ctrl + F9 = Build Shift + F10 = Run (nie aktywuje okna emulatora, jeżeli jest włączone) Ctrl + F2 = Stop Shift + F9 = Debug Edycja Ctrl + S = Save All Ctrl + Space, Ctrl + Shift + Space: Auto-Complete Ctrl + P = parametry metody F2 / Shift + F2 = Go to the next/previous problem or error Ctrl + B, Ctrl + LMB(Click) = Go to the declaration of this variable Ctrl + Alt + L = Format source code **Ctrl + Shift + M = Add import Ctrl + Alt + O = Optimize imports Ctrl + / = Toggle line comment Ctrl + Shift + / = Toggle block comment (zaznaczony fragment) **Alt + Shift + A, S = Extract Android string to strings.xml file Shift + F6 = Refactor, Rename Alt + Enter = Quickfix **Alt + ‹ or Alt + › = Go to previous/ next editor position in history **F12 = Focuses on the editor Ctrl + Shift + F12 = Maximize/Restore size of Java editor -------------- Debugowanie: **W manifeście: