Mushroom data - features
Cap Shape | bell, conical, convex, flat, knobbed, sunken |
Cap Surface | fibrous, grooves, scaly, smooth |
Cap Colour | brown, buff, cinnamon, gray, green, pink, purple, red, white, yellow |
Bruises | bruised, no |
Odour | almond, anise, creosote, fishy, foul, musty, none, pungent, spicy |
Gill Attachment | attached, descending, free, notched |
Gill Spacing | close, crowded, distant |
Gill Size | broad, narrow |
Gill Colour | black, brown, buff, chocolate, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow |
Stalk Shape | enlarging, tapering |
Stalk Root | bulbous, club, cup, equal, rhizomorphs, rooted, missing |
Surface Above Ring | fibrous, scaly, silky, smooth |
Surface Below Ring | fibrous, scaly, silky, smooth |
Colour Above Ring | brown, buff, cinnamon, gray, orange, pink, red, white, yellow |
Colour Below Ring | brown, buff, cinnamon, gray, orange, pink, red, white, yellow |
Veil Type | partial, universal |
Veil Colour | brown, orange, white, yellow |
Ring Number | none, one, two |
Ring Type | cobwebby, evanescent, flaring, large, none, pendant, sheathing, zone |
Spore Print Colour | black, brown, buff, chocolate, green, orange, purple, white, yellow |
Population | abundant, clustered, numerous, scattered, several, solitary |
Habitat | grasses, leaves, meadows, paths, urban, waste, woods |
Mushrooms: example of data vectors.
Mushroom-1 is: edible, convex, fibrous, yellow, bruises, anise, free, crowded, narrow, brown, tapering, bulbous, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, purple, several, woods
Mushroom-2 is: edible, flat, smooth, white, bruises, almond, free, crowded, narrow, pink, tapering, bulbous, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, purple, several, woods
Mushroom-3 is: edible, bell, smooth, white, bruises, almond, free, close, broad, white, enlarging, club, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, black, scattered, meadows
Mushroom-4 is: poisonous, convex, smooth, white, bruises, pungent, free, close, narrow, white, enlarging, equal, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, black, scattered, urban
Mushroom-5 is: poisonous, convex, smooth, white, bruises, pungent, free, close, narrow, pink, enlarging, equal, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, black, several, urban
Mushroom-8000 is: poisonous, convex, smooth, white, bruises, pungent, free, close, narrow, pink, enlarging, equal, smooth, smooth, white, white, partial, white, one, pendant, brown, scattered, urban
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